The bath #2

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Again, no prompts but a suggestion from @turtely :) I hope you'll enjoy it, my brain has been almost overflowed by all the ideas I had since I read the suggestion!! And also, thanks for reading and commenting and voting, it's so nice thank you :) <3

Italic is for John's thoughts.

Plus, if you see mistakes, feel free to point them out, it'll help improving my English!


The second time the "bath incident" happened, Sherlock and I were staying at a hotel because we were on a case outside of London.

We chased a criminal on the muddy roads of the countryside -thanks to the british weather- and when we went back to our room, we were drenched and covered in sludge. Apparently, the inn's owners were used to it, because it didn't bother them in the least. Unlike the blood, in which my flatmate was covered.

I had to explain to the poor shivering old man behind the counter what happened to my friend, who just went upstairs to clean himself. For a change, he was half lost in his mind palace and he almost stepped on the hostel's cat, which was sleeping on the first step of the stairs. I sighed inwardly and turned my attention back to the inn's owner, who offered me a cup of steaming tea, which I accepted with a smile.

After almost half an hour of chit-chatting, I thanked him and made my way upstairs to take a nice shower. I was eager to get rid of all this mud.

But when I entered the room, I realised Sherlock was still in the bathroom. I reached the door and knocked on the wood :

"Sherlock, get out of here, you've had enough time. It's my turn now."

No answer.

"Sherlock? Are you taking a bath again?"

When I didn't hear any sound coming from the room, a horrible thought crossed my mind. I hammered on the door, panic slowly rising through my body. "Sherlock! Sherlock, get out of your mind palace! NOW! Sherlock!"

I reached for the for the handle and tried to open the door. Usually, when we were at home, it was locked, so I wasn't expecting it when the door slammed open under my grip.

Loosing my balance, I tripped on my left foot, desperatly waved my arms to regain my balance, slipping on the soapy water on the floor and I landed heavily in the bathtub, crushing my flatmate under my weight.

Sherlock's eyes shot open in shock. I was lying on his lanky -and very naked- frame, spitting out water. I felt a surge of embarrassement filling my body and I knew my cheeks must be bright red. "Ahem" I was about to apologise when a glimpse of pink caught my gaze. And right there, right now, the only thing that could find his way out of my mouth was :

"You brought your rubber duck with you?"

My friend looked up, locking his fascinating blue eyes in mine and deadpanned :


I felt my laugh bubbling in my chest, threatening to escape. I sat up and closed the tap. Water stopped flowing in the bathroom. I squirmed out of the bathtub and landed not graciously on the bathroom floor. I rubbed my hand down my face :

"Well, for avoiding akward moments it's dead."

Sherlock stayed silent. I tried to fill the weird silence that filled the bathroom :

"Erm at least my phone and wallet were in my coat That's a good thing. I think. Ahem" I cleared my throat "I think I'm gonna go. Try not to use all the hot water and after I'm done I'll help you clean this mess." I was walking toward the exit when I heard Sherlock's voice behind me :

"I think it'd be more efficient if you just joined me."

I could almost see the smirk on his face as he said those words. I instantly froze.

"Come on, what are you waiting for? Join me!"

I am still hesitating -after all, he could be joking- when some splashing noises echoed through the bathroom.

"Look, I've got a rubber duck for you!"

Nooo he wouldn't. I turned my head in my flatmate's direction. He did. Of course he did, he's Sherlock after all. Next to the bright pink duck, was floating a classic yellow rubber duck. I sighed. I really wanted this. I had wished it, dreamt it damnit for so long. Now, my friend was willingly inviting me to join his in his bath.

My brain felt like it stopped it's train of thought. Next thing I know, I am stripped down to my boxer and ready to sink down into the hot soapy water.

"Aren't you going to take that off?" asked the detective. I blushed even harder.

"Close your eyes." Sherlock rolled his eyes, but obeyed. I was about to strip it off when I saw his eyelids were slightly open. "Sherlock..." I growled warningly. He let out a huff of laughter, but turned away.

I fastly undressed and slipped into the bath. It was barely large enough for the tall man by himslef, but with both of us inside, it was impossible not to have akward contacts. I think my foot was resting against his hip and I'm not sure I want to know which part of his body was touching my calf

Sherlock was playing with the ducks. "You're all tensed up John, you should relax a bit. I'm not gonna eat you yet." he added with a devilish smirk.

I gulped down with difficulty at those words. I was not used to this. Normally, I was the one taking the lead, the one calling the shots. Being in this situation was new, but I wouldn't say I didn't like it.

My train of thought was interrupted by my friend's voice :

"There, I think this could calm you down."

Before I could react, he leaned forward and joined our lips. I melted into the kiss, gripping his neck with one of my hands, pulling softly on his silky curls. I earned a muffled moan and Sherlock deepened the kiss, pulling away only at the sound of one of the ducks falling onto the floor. I tried to reach for his lips once more, when a weird noise interrupted me.

Something was vibrating.

I looked over the edge of the tub and my gaze fell on the bright pink rubber duck on the floor. It was quivering loudly, spining lazyly on itself. I glanced back to Sherlock, who was looking away, finally self-conscious.


He looked at me :

"Oh shut up" and mumbled : "I wasn't planning on having you in there"

At this instant, all the ridiculousness of the situation struck me and I burst out laughing. I couldn't stop myself and my abs were aching. Sherlock finally joined me and we spent the next ten minutes hunched in two with laughter, unable to calm down.

When we were finally done, I waded toward my friend and kissed him before snuggling against his torso, sitting between his legs.

He kissed my forhead and pulled me into a hug. We both sighed of contentement and I took some time to just acknowledge that blessed moment.

Blessed moment broken by Sherlock who asked me, mischief peaking through his voice :

"What about you let me clean you? I'm sure you'd love that"

I sighed inwardly. I'll need time to be used to this new version of my friend.

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