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I finally got enough motivation to countinue this so let's hope it lasts! Now where were we.... Oh yeah Andy leveled up and got skill points

Age: 21

Mana recovary/storage:3= 6 mana per 3 secs

Skills-Running B Cooking B- Firebolt D+
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Titles- {Runner}{The hero of a family}{Reincarnated}
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"Damn that was tiring arghh" Andy groaned as he stretched "But I can't sleep now or else I'll get eaten alive... Eehwgege- System?"

Steven: yes?

"Is there anyway to gain any level faster?" Andy asked as he played with his dagger

Steven:Answer> Yes there is XP boosts that you can buy in shops

"wait there's a shop? Where" Andy looked at his status bar and there wasn't a shop icon or anything

Steven:Dont bother looking for anything, you can only access it when you are level 5, but alas your only just got to level 2.

"Really? Come on~ dangit" Andy said as he cursed at the fact that he still needed to grind "Well it wasn't this easy to get an XP boost in some games anyway *sigh*... Can I atleast accept quest's here? Using the system?"

Steven:Answer> since you are level 2 you can accept quest's now using the system

"And how can I do that?"

Steven:Answer> by just do-

"Hold it for a second! Can you just stop saying 'Answer' before you answer a question? It's getting really annoying to typ- err hear that before you actually say it"

Steven:As you wish... Now where was I? You can accept quest by saying or 'thinking' I'm going to emphasis that since you still say things out loud - 'Quest board' and you should be able to see 3 quest's that are your level. But be warned if you fail a quest they're will be consequences

Andy pondered for a bit listening carefully "Consequences huh well that's a bit fair since that means if you know you cant handle it you can just abandon the quest without any punishment.... But eh I need to level up so I would rather do quests then just kill some bugs all day long- hmmm Quest board?" he still said it outloud

*Ding ding* a bell rang out

Quest 1
Requirements:LV 2+
Recommend level:LV 2+
Kill 30 bugs

Rewards:Title {Bug Exterminator} Passive skill [Bug repellent] E+ 10 QP 30XP 30 copper
Time limit: 24:00

as Andy read the first quest, he thought that it was easy enough and that if any of the next 2 quest's were hard or even impossible for him to do this is what he was going to pick, but when he read 'QP' he was puzzled at that "Yo Steven, what does QP stand for?"

Steven:Ans- QP stands for 'Quest points' it is the currency you use in the 'Shop' when you reach level 5

"Hm thanks for the info, now let me see the other quests-" he said as he scrolled down the quest board

Quest 2
Requirements:LV 2
Recommend level:LV 3+
Kill 6 goblins

Rewards: 20QP 60XP 5 silver
Time limit: 24:00

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