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My Pov


Suddenly his eyes cleared

Andy took a look of his surroundings in confusion, he looked at the person that spoke

The person looked like well... He couldn't actually tell,
They look feminine and masculine at the same time but they look like they're atleast a teenager possibly even younger

Andy questioned his reality and asked them "W-where I'm I?" his face looked traumatized remembering everything that happened a few moments ago.

The person smiled  "In my office!" sounding completely serious "And you here because you died! Quite honorably actually, Saving a family and all that" he says while sitting on the air?
... No it wasn't air it was pure light!

Andy was surprised he hesitantly asked "I-If I'm d-dead why I'm I here? And not somewhere else..." he looked at the teenaged looking person

"Well you're here so you can decide where to go of course!" he spinned around in his light chair

"Wait what- why I'm I the one deciding where I'm gonna go isn't it supposed to be someone else to decide my fate? Like someone to judge me?" he felt something nudge his leg so he turn around to see another light chair bumping him urging him to sit down. His legs felt like jello overwhelmed by all this so he fell to his seat with a thump

" I've judged you already, and you lived a pretty good life. Better then most I might add" a list appears in front of the person and he took it and proceeded to read "You have the usual sins that everyone does like lying, gluttony and all that other stuff, but you made up all those sins by doing other good things"

Andy was embarrassed when he heard about the gluttony part. It was true that he liked eating, probably more then an average person but he had a huge metabolism and he never got fat or a ton of weight whenever he ate alot. He fake coughed and asked a question "Isn't that still a sin? I thought a single sin means you'll go to uh hell"

The person looked at Andy with a really look and said with a sarcastic voice "If that was true then every single human being would go to hell" he countinued reading on "as I was saying since you did alot of good stuff aswell, including saving that family right before you died. You are able to make a choice" they say in a  happy tone of voice

"What do you mean a choice?"

"a Choice mea-"

"Yes i know what I choice means  I just want to know what are they" he says with a face

"OH sorry your choices are-" he apologized with a smile and proceeded to list down Andy's possible choices

1. Be reborn into earth once more but no recollection of your previous life

"That would have been good if I kept my memories, I always thought of what I would do if I get reincarnated with my memories- but I'm going to give it a pass"

2.Go to heaven and meet your ancestors that have watched you from above

Andy was wierded out and was very embarrassed since that means the have seen all of the questionable things he has done "if the other choices aren't good I might have to consider this-"

3. Go to Purgatory and live a boring life in there without punishment or joys just plain old living and doing nothing but "live"

"No just No" Andy immediately refused after hearing what happens in Purgatory

"I can understand why you don't want to go there, you should meet the person ruling that dimension she's just as boring" they complained about they're colleague "Moving to the other choices!"

4.Go to hell and suffer eternal punishment, your punishment would be your worst fear and all of the horrible things that you have experienced in life  X1000

"why would anyone choose that choice, Hell (heh) why is it even a choice?"

"I don't know one of the souls wanted to go to hell so we made it a choice" They shrug and countinued on "And the last Choice is-

Get reincarnated into another world with your memories, WHICH IS AWSOME!"

" Yup that's my pick, but why is it even an option?"

" You humans think of great entertainment and stories so I begged my boss to make an isekai world" they let out a smirk "I'm pretty Awesome right? I got down on my knees so you mortals can go to this world"

"Yup you are Awesome" and knelt down out of respect "So if that world is like an Isekai from an anime this that mean stats exist?" he stood back up

"Yup we even made it like a game, you just have to say or think of the words 'Body stats' and a Tab will open up"

"Cool OK then, Body stats!" a tab popped up


System start

Age:whats 9 plus 10 (he's 21)

Mana recovary/storage:1 =2 mana per 5 secs

Skils-Running B Cooking B- 

Press i for more info

Titles-Runner(he's a runner he's a track star) The hero of a family

"This is so awesome~" his eyes full of amazement and  awe

"You can also pick a race to reincarnate as" they pointed out " if you want to see what they are just press the 'i'
button on the stats"

"That's convenient?" he presses the button and another tab appeared over the Stat tab


System start


Human: The most basic of races but the most intelligent they can use all of the different kind of classes and has the most population and kingdoms in the realm having a population of 3.9 billion people and 4 kingdoms but they are the enemy of all monsters

Furr-i mean beastman: They are people that are Half-man half-beast
They are like humans except they are more barbaric and low In populations estimated of 1.8 billion beast men they are more stronger then humans but less intelligent. so they live in villages and have no Kingdom cause if they did it would be in shambles cause beast men are stubborn and won't follow rules unless you beat them in a dual. so if you were a king for them you would have to fight billions of beastmen just to get them to listen to you

Golems: The oldest and mysterious race, they roamed the earth long before the other races existed, but they are few there is nothing that is written and known about these creatures. But a warning if you choose this race you will be a sentient rock with no way of movement but. Rumors says when they are a high enough level they can evolve and take on a new form!

Elves: They are basically the same as humans, They can use all classes and they have a huge amount of people 3.7 billion to be exact, but the difference are they are slightly faster and they have more mana then any of the races but their more weaker (strength wise) so they make up most of the archer and mage population. They also live a long life 1 year for them is 5 years for humans, they age up the same rate as humans but the ageing process slows down and keeps them looking young around they're teenage years

These were the Races Andy found more interesting since the rest of the choices were bland and boring and sounded weak in all honesty

"Hmmmmmm I'll pick~"

"Good choice"

I wrote this to be 1282 words

Rewrite finished on 2/4/22

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