Chapter 1

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3rd person

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3rd person

Ike sighed as he pushed the heavy and dusty library door open. As he did so, the door squeaked, alerting every person inside the library that some nerdy college student was entering. I mean, who pays the library a visit on a daily basis anymore? You damn right, it's the male with the blue hair tips and black glasses.

Inside the library the boy went straight for his goal: a certain book he needed for his biology presentation. He still didn't know why he picked that subject anyway, it got on his nerves lately. He'd rather do a presentation in his majors, like English or Japanese.

Steps slowing down, and so the noise of his heels hitting the floor quieting, the boy stopped in front of a dusty shelf. Is a library really supposed to be covered in dust? Probably, if no one uses it anymore.
His eyes skimmed the book spines, faster than he could mumble "I hate biology" under his breath. Eyes stopping on a certain title he looked, the boy sighed.

There it was. The pain he will have to cope with for the next week. Not only was the book thicker than the bible but it was also placed on the very top shelf.

In this moment the hobby novelist really regretted not wearing his heels that day. Oh boy, this presentation really was starting off great! The boy stretched his arm out, fingers spreading, trying to close the gap between book and his fingertips. However it was no use. No matter how hard he was trying, he couldn't reach the book.

As the small male was mumbling little "dammit"s he did not notice how a figure moved directly behind him. This mysterious figure was indeed taller than him, towering a bit over the smaller male. Ike also didn't notice the shadow on the shelf, which was coming from the taller male behind him.

Just when the male behind the hobby novelist cleared his throat, Ike jumped, startling the other with a little shriek. The brown haired turned around quickly while taking a step backwards, his back meeting the dusty bookshelf. He closed his eyes briefly because of the sudden feeling of his back hitting he hard wood.

Then his eyes locked with the one's which belonged to the male who gave him a little shock. What was his name again? He had seen him on the campus, he was sure of it.

All he could notice were those piercing yellow diamond eyes staring holes into him and the silky black hair which was tied into a pony tail and falling onto his shoulders so flawlessly.

Nevertheless, he could not proceed to decide on what the familiars stranger's name was because this long haired stranger had suddenly placed his hand on the shelf right above Ike's head, trapping the smaller between himself and the shelf. The smaller gulped. Well that was awkward.

It was as if time had stopped. As if life wanted Ike to experience this uneasiness a little bit longer. Sure that meeting with the stranger was weird but there was another way of describing how this experience was: He felt so small under the other's gaze. Just as if the taller was forcing Ike to stay put.

Dammit, the other was really close. Closer than to Ike's liking.

Ike was ready to protest against this position he was currently in. How dare the handsome stranger put him in such a weird situation.

But with the history repeating itself, Ike was forced to stop his train of thoughts again as the stranger was now holding the book he himself was hoping to grab seconds ago. The stranger backed off a bit.

The novelist could release his breath again, he wasn't trapped anymore. The book got his full attention again, almost forgetting that the stranger kabedon-ed him. Still thinking about what Ike was going to say, he was disrupted by a low growl: "You want this?"

Ike observed the long haired male wave the book. "Yes," Ike simply said, almost whispering.

"So what if I wanted that exact same book?" The taller asked with a cheeky smile painted on his lips. The smaller looked at him dumbfounded. What did he mean? Was he making fun of Ike?

"Then you would have a problem." Ike replied while furrowing his eye brows, his hand immediately snatched the book out of the taller's hands. The black haired shot his eyes open, he wasn't expecting that reaction. All the taller could do is giggle a little: "Feisty aren't we?"

"So we're done here?" The hobby novelist asked unbothered, crossing his arms in front his chest and thus bringing his precious biology book closer to himself to protect it from the male standing in front of him.

"The name's Vox Akuma. This probably wasn't the best first encounter, was it?" The male with the attractive british accent asked while scratching the back of his head and giving Ike a apologetics smile. What a change of character.

"Okay?" Ike replied with a raised brow. "Ike please don't do this to me." Vox sighed as he let his tense shoulders slouch down.

"You know my name?" Asked the brown haired. The deep voice of the black haired made this strange fact seem even creepier.

"Oh yeah we have classes together. I'm also an English major." Vox replied casually with more composure than before.

"We do?"

Vox halted. Really? Did Ike never notice him? Nor his voice? He sighed. Man, Ike really defeated him over and over.

"Vox?" The honey like voice echoed in the tallers ear. So that what his very own name sounded like being pronounced by his most favourite person on earth. It did indeed sound very pleasing.

"So... I was thinking," Vox snapped out of his trance while shaking his head and then continued "... if you maybe like to... you know, grab some coffee sometime?"

Ike paused. Was the black haired for real? First he was annoying Ike and then he asked him to grab coffee? What the hell just happened?

"So that's a yes I guess?" The taller asked again. "Uhm I don't know." "Please Ike, it would make me so happy. I could even help you with your biology project. So it's a win-win." Vox proposed, trying to convince the smaller.

"Anyway, yeah why not." The hobby novelist shrugged, pushing the pair of glasses up to sit properly on his nose again.

"For real?! Ike you're the best!" Vox yelped while clapping his hands. Ike just shot him a weird look. This dude was so strange. But he also had something appealing.

"You're welcome?" Ike asked, not sure what he should reply. "So it's settled then. How about this afternoon? Vox asked quite loudly, because he was filled by ecstasy from head to toe, simply forgetting that they were in a library where you should keep quiet.

"Shhhhh!" An angry librarian was heard from across the room, startling both males a bit. Vox just smiled cheaply, putting his hand in front of is mouth.

"See you!" The black haired whispered. His voice was even more calming when Vox was whispering. It was indeed incredible. Ike wondered how he hadn't noticed that outstanding voice.

With that and with his thoughts Ike was left alone, Vox heading to the exit of the library. His hair smootly swayed from left to right and the other way around, it had something hypnotic to it.

Well that was a roller coaster ride, the hobby novelist thought to himself as he shook his head, trying to shake off the thoughts he had about the male with the demon-like voice.

Vox wasn't going to distract Ike from his studies, right? He shouldn't and he couldn't do that, could he?


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Hope you have a good day :)

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