Chapter 11: To The Old Unknown

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"Why do we have to go to Manila again?" Summer asked.

Miguel sighed. "It's an old couple. I don't think it would be the most polite thing to do to ask two senior citizens to come up to Baguio for two high schoolers."

"Okay, but why do we have to go over to Manila in the first place?" Oliver asked. "Can't they just tell us the location?"

"They specifically asked for you guys to come over. Who knows, they might have something to show you." Miguel said.

"And hey, it will be an adventure!" Albert added.

The smoke of buses fumed in the local station. It was crowded today.

"Alright, before you leave let's just keep you guys up to date again." Albert took out his phone.

"So their names are Mr. Eduard and Mrs. Lucenia Ikauna."

"They live in this address by the way," Albert added as he texted the address to Oliver.

"Well, good luck then. We'll see you two in a few weeks. With the curse gone, I hope."

Miguel sobbed sarcastically. "Look at you two, all grown up!"

"Thank you, you two." Summer said.


Reaching her arm out, Summer adjusted the air-conditioning unit above her head.

The chilled air and the soft red seat on her back made her eyelids heavy while the vehicle cruised down the expressway.

"Manila here we come," Oliver said.

On Summer's lap rested a bag of egg sandwiches in a ziplock bag. To her left, Oliver was looking at a map on his phone.

Summer squeezed the bag a little. "This all feels really weird."

"Yeah, but we have to do it."

"I wonder what the Ikaunas will be like, though."

"I bet their house will be in this really secluded area with no street lights."

"Oliver, you're making it sound like we're going to a horror story." Summer laughed.

"And then, when we enter, the door will slam behind us and they'll eat us alive!"

Summer laughed even more. "Don't be disrespectful."

"Oh, by the way, I messaged my uncle that we were coming over so we wouldn't have to worry about accommodations."

"Is he the same tito that picked us up when we got stranded in school after the sports fest?"

"Yeah, he is."

"He was nice. I still remember."

"He also apparently runs a karinderya."

"Aren't those like the small canteens with all the good food?"

"Yep, and he runs one."

"You think he'll believe us if we show him the situation?"

"Yeah, he's cool."

"M'kay then."


The hot and humid climate of the metropolis hit immediately as the two exited the bus.

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