Chapter 2: Summer

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A delicate morning atmosphere engulfed the room of a sleeping Summer as the first rays of sunlight slowly illuminated the space.

The faint clamor of cars and people rushing to work and the pesky chirping of the neighbor's pet parakeet in the distant background all contributed to the cozy mood.

However, the ambiance is to be hastily broken as the alarm of the room's occupant clocked in for its daily shift.

"It was all just a dream, huh?" Summer rubbed her eye.

Getting up from bed, she pocketed her phone and carefully maneuvered her way through her bedroom.

A thick Math textbook lay open on the ground covered in papers riddled with practice equations and Summer's occasional doodle at the edge of every page.

Posters and pictures lined up against the wall as a crumpled red hoodie hung on the edge of the bed frame.

"I should clean up." 


"We're going to be briefed on the school trip today, right?"

A gush of air greeted Summer at the door as she entered the classroom.

The strong stench of chalk from the board and pieces of paper scattered across the gray floor. 

Taking her seat, Summer took out her book.

Legs crossed, uniform still fresh as it awaited the trials of the day, she turned a page.

"Oliver isn't here yet?" Miguel asked.

Shaking her head, Summer responded. "Nope."

Taking a glance at her watch, she sighed.

It's 7:59 am already. He's going to be late.

"Hey, Miguel."  She turned around to talk. "Could you call him?"

"You want to check up on him? Really? After almost half a school year of acting like strangers, it's nice seeing you two become buddy-buddy again."

Wanting to rebut, a few words tried to come out of her mouth only to be stopped by a loud bang from the door. Jumping back a little, she turned again to see what it was. 

With his polo tucked in his pants, his uniform's collar disarranged, and a heavy textbook on his right arm, Oliver took his seat.

Slightly smelling of sweat and his morning breakfast, Oliver rearranged himself. 

"Alright, class! Let's begin the day."

The class homeroom teacher walked in with a light-hearted smile on his face.

"As you all know, the school shall be conducting an overnight trip to Vigan."

The teacher continued. "If you have your permission slips, please pass them forward."

One by one, each student eagerly passed their brown slips of paper to the person in front of them.

"During the trip, you will be put into groups. Each group shall be given their own room. Boys and girls will be separated, of course." 

The chattering and the babbling grew louder.

"...and with that being said, each group will also be performing a skit. So after class, I expect all of you to meet up with your groupmates to discuss what you will be doing." The teacher said in an ironically nonchalant voice.

A skit? Oliver wondered as he turned his head to Summer.

"Gazing at her again huh?" Miguel whispered to him. 


"Look at the chalkboard," Miguel said as he pointed his finger to the green slate.

Oliver's eyes widen. "Summer's in my group."


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