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vi x reader
Not proofread

Summary: Reader can no longer speak bc Silco had one of his goons cut off their tongue. Vi is helping reader w communication adjusting to not being able to speak

-It's been a few months since the incident w Silco. You weren't sure how to go on w your life especially not knowing if your girlfriend would still love you when she found out what happened that night. Violet was devastated to say the least, the traumatic event made her want to kill that bastard and his goons even more than before it was bad enough what he put into her sister's head and now he literally tore a part from her partner?

-Of course no matter what Vi was feeling towards Silco, she put it all aside for you. Vi was always w you since you could no longer speak and she was the one you communicated w best. You guys had hand symbols and often times would text even when you guys were in the same room because of your lack of ability to speak.

-Violet was very patient with you she never got upset with you even when you would take your frustrations out on her while giving her attitude she was very understanding with you and you tried your best to make sure she knew how much you appreciated her despite everything.

-After a while when you got use to not being able to speak you also got used to Vi helping you communicate. She always made sure you knew that you weren't a burden to her and even though things weren't ideal that it was never your fault. Vi knew things would never be the same but she helped you through it all.

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