Jinx x Inventor Reader

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•Jinx will def put spray paint on your inventions if you allow her to, kinda like a signature she would write her name or her Monkey bomb symbol

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•Jinx will def put spray paint on your inventions if you allow her to, kinda like a signature she would write her name or her Monkey bomb symbol

•Helps you come up w ideas for your inventions and gives you tips on how to improve them

•Will give you space while you're working, she tries not to bother you too much so you won't get distracted

•Let's you know how well you're doing on your inventions, she'll tell you how proud she is of you no matter what even if said invention didn't go as planned she will always be proud of you for trying

•She will make you snacks and meals while you're working and so you won't overwork yourself she'll schedule snack/lunch breaks and just regular breaks in general

•Will for sure brag about your inventions to Vi and Ekko no doubt about it "Look at what Y/n did Vi!!!" "You're just mad you can't invent things like Y/n Ekko"

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