(Short) The Trio Triumph

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(Let the image above curse your eyes)

Thalia, Nico, and Reyna slipped out the manhole and into the stinky sulfurous sewers. 

"Why us?!" Nico groaned, trying to keep himself from banging his head against the sticky sewer walls. 

Thalia grumbled curses under her breath as they stomped through the swamp of goo, leaving a wet layer of who-knows-what on their combat boots. 

Reyna constantly checked her watch, as she tuned out the speakers. For once, she didn't have to deal with that annoying demon Leo's constant ranting and whispering into the mic. Will said he would send a message without coms as well, which left them watching and waiting on their watches for the signal. 

They tramped ahead in the darkness lit by just one super-powered flashlight, nonetheless, as useless as the others. Rats squeaked as they walked next to the vigorously odorous flow of sewer water. Scrunching their noses, the trio walked and walked for the next 15 minutes. 

Then came the ladder. 

"This is it?" Nico asked, and Reyna nodded, studying her watch (with the location they were at). Let's just say, it was quite a fancy ladder. 

"They must use it all the time. It's not even that dirty," Thalia remarked. No it wasn't. I was a shiny gold, encrusted with diamonds and saphires. 

"Gloves on!" Reyna passed out the gloves the three spies climbed up. 

And up. 

And up. 

"Where does this lead?!" Nico gasped for breath. He had almost slipped several times due to the gold.  

"The room is on the fourth floor, according to the map. But there must be one for the rooftop, so we can get in the vents above for a sneak attack." Reyna said, glancing at the watch for the floor plan, "Within a couple more steps, we'll be there. Hopefully, Marissa has the code ready."

All of their watches beeped, revealing a text from Marissa. 

"Oh. Okay then. It's..."


The three spies looked at each other. 

"Okay, that's definitely suspicious." Nico remarked. 

Thalia scoffed, "No kidding, Sherlock. Something's definitely up." 

"What if it's a trap?" Nico remarked. The two Angels looks at each other and shrugged. 

"Risks gotta be taken."

"Come in Thalia, Reyna, and Nico. We have valuable information, over." Annabeth's voice screeched in through the radio. 

"Thalia reporting, what's up, over." 

"The victim has been kidnapped, repeat, the victim has been kidnapped. Infiltration will begin in 5 minutes, over." 

The trio looked at each other in victory. 

"Information received. Waiting for further instruction, over." Thalia said. 

"Hold on, new information received. Don't move from your spot. We have a problem on our hands, over." 

Thalia, Reyna, and Nico looked at each other, and Thalia tested the speaker again. 

"What is the problem? Over."

There was a pause before the mic screeched again, "M.I.T agent spotted on surveillance. Info pointing towards character Luke Castellan. I repeat, Luke Castellan.

Nico inhaled sharply, "Crap."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2023 ⏰

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