I Came So Prepared

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"You're joking right?" was the first thing anyone had said after I made my statement. 

Literally 30 seconds. 

"Nope!" I made a popping sound just to annoy Thalia. 

"Marissa, you cannot do that! It's against our laws." Nona exclaimed. 

"Your law is the only one that counts Nona! That law is from 50 years ago! And besides, they can't do anything to us!" I protested. 

"How are you so sure?" Reyna asked. 

Watch me. 

"Come with me." 

I lead them down hallways all the way to the girl's bunkers and headed straight for Nyssa.

Her eyes widened when she saw us coming and everyone saluted. 

"Nyssa, remember last week, you showed me the invention where like, 2 bracelets were connected and you could control the person wearing the other pair?" she nodded sharply. 

"Yeah, so, we have a mission, and we were wondering if we could use that?" she smiled. 

"How many do you need?" she asked. 

"We need...6 pairs." I calculated internally. 

I am sMaRt. 

No, I'm terrible at math. 

"OK then, it might take.." she hesitated for a moment. 

"How long? We have a week." I asked nervously but then she relaxed. 

"It'll take a week to make 5 more since I already have one."

"Great! Then you can get right to work! Do you need anything? And, oh, do you want like, your own room in the lab or anything?" I fussed over her. 



No, wait. 

I won't. 

"A room in the lab will do good," she said. Her face was red like she was surprised that I was even doing this. 

"Great! Calypso will take you to the lab," I motioned at Calypso who smiled, "And help you get settled in. And if you need any help, just call Annabeth, she's great at these things." I motioned at Annabeth, who waved. 

Nyssa and Calypso left together. 

"So are you sure this will work?" Thalia asked. 

"Positive. Nyssa is a great engineer." I answered. 

"We could definitely use someone like her." Nona chuckled. 

"Well, since we have a week, let's use it to train some men."


"Jason, 10 push-ups, go!" I hollered at Jason who was taking laps on the other side of the gym. 

He dropped to the ground and took 10 push-ups. 

"Boba?" a voice asked behind me. 

"Oh hey, Chris! Yes please, I'm gonna die." He handed me my boba and I took a sip.

"Well, Leo's definitely looking better," Chris remarked. 

On the first day of training, Leo couldn't even do a push-up. And now he's running 2 miles every day. 

See how effective I am?

I am aMaZiNg. 

"Tell me about it." 

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