jealousy bug

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Sid was discharged from hospital with the advice of proper rest and care. They returned back home and no Sid was sitting on his bed while Sana was feeding him the soup when Sukh ji entered

"Sid I have talked with everyone that you are not resuming your training now.... Infact you don't even need it so just take rest"

"no uncle please.... I need to continue it.... There were many new and exciting things which I was learning there.... I am fine now and moreover tomorrow is Sunday I can rest and then from Monday I will join with my trainings"

"Sid, Are you out of your mind? How can you even think of going in this condition... haven't you seen bandages pn your arms and back? Should I bring the mirror?" Sana scolded him as according to her he was speaking nonsense
"yes Sid, Shehnaaz is absolutely right even I don't think that you should go, we are here to look after you but there no one will be there to look after your needs"

"Please uncle the training is really important I can't afford to miss it, okay if not on Monday then on Wednesday I think three days are more than enough for me to rest please now don't say no" he pleaded making them sigh

"okay Sid I know how much you are professional and dedicated towards your work..... and don't worry I will tell them to record their session traing and then you can watch it later" such Ji said making Sid smile

Sukh ji left leaving them two alone "Sid now you should sleep I am here only I will sleep on the couch and if you will need anything or if you will face any problem them call me ok" she said wiping Sid mouth with the napkin and then gave him a glass of water with medicine
"why will you sleep on couch? You can sleep here beside me" Sid said frowning

"umm.... No...I can't... I mean what if I will hurt while sleeping so its better that I will sleep there only" Sana said looking down she didn't wanted to share bed with him for now.

"you said that we will stay as before but now you are creating distance between us.... Don't you trust me now?" do you feel uncomfortable with me?" he asked with a hurt expression.

"no I was just concerned about you....its nothing like that I trust you Sid and uncomfortable tere sath kabhi nahi feel kar sakti mein" Sana said placing her hand on his and she made him lie down and then lied on her side but she maintained a safe distance from him as her heart was thudding loudly being near to him, she was again feeling all those butterfly feelings which she used to feel earlier
"Sanu stop thinking all these and sleep" thinking so she dozed off while Sid was wide awake he was staring at her lovingly, he was at peace after three days, he is near him and still they are far he could guess her inner turmoil
He went near her as she was sleeping he caressed her hairs that were falling on her face he slowly pulled her towards him and she subconsciously placed her head on his chest making him smile "my baby" he coeed her rubbing his nose against her
"so finally I will able to sleep today peacefully" he said and kissed her forehead while Sana snuggled more into his chest.

Next two days Sana was with Sid taking care of him and Sid was also getting healed
He was sitting on Sana's room when his eyes fell on the trophy and he face palmed himself
"oh shit I am so sorry Sanu" he said making Sana frown "why?" she asked
" I forgot to congratulate you for your victory.....and trust me Sanu you were amazing on that day" he said smiling while Sana sat beside him and held his hands

"its was all because of your encouragement.... I was too anxious and the moment I went stage I get more nervous seeing the crowd, all I wanted is to run from stage but then I saw you and meri sari anxiety vanish ho gyi"

"but Sanu how did you recognized me? I have covered my face"

"but your eyes were visible and they were enough to motivate and encourage me" she said making him smile

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