Lies For The Liars

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Y/N's Perspective
I.M.P. Headquarters, Imp City, Pride Ring
Monday, 17/02/2020

I smiled a little as well, thankful I had managed to cheer her up. "How about we get back out there and get the day started properly?" I asked, pointing to the door. "I can cook you something, if you'd like."

She nodded, stepping away from the door and next to me, slowly grabbing my paw. I smiled to myself and looked at her from the corner of my eye. Her face was still a little red as we opened the door to leave the room, stepping into the kitchen to see Blitzo leaning on the table, waiting for us.

"Oh- H-hey, boss..." I said slowly, quickly letting go of Loona's paw and putting mine behind my back, the hellhound shrinking behind me and hiding herself.

"So..." Blitz looked straight on at me and I gulped, expecting the worst as Loona grabbed my paw behind me and held it tight. Both of us had a feeling someone here was in trouble. "You two were here all night?"

"No... I mean I was, but Loona only got here earlier this morning..." I said quickly, having a feeling that Loona would be knee-deep in shit if Blitz found out she had snuck out the night before. "Said something about making sure I didn't break anything or something when she got here."

Blitz let out a deep exhale and nodded, leaning back on the table and bracing himself with his arms. "Alright, alright." He looked towards the kitchen's entrance as the sound of cans crashing to the floor was heard from the meeting room, along with groans from Moxxie. "Was that mess in there you guys as well?" He asked, a smirk on his face.

Loona emerged from behind me with a satisfied smile on her face, knowing Blitz had ordered Moxxie to clean it up. "Is fatty cleaning up in there?" She asked, letting go of my paw before she fully emerged, leaning on the doorframe to the Weapons Locker.

"Oh, yeah... sorry about that. I... kinda helped myself." I rubbed the back of my head and looked away, then jumped a little as I felt Blitz's hand on my shoulder.

"No worries! Apology accepted!" He exclaimed before pulling me towards him, speaking into my ear. "But if you ever pull something like this again, I will KICK your ass so hard you end up on the south side of Wrath." He growled before pulling away from me, standing straight up again. His carefree attitude quickly returned as he looked into the hallway to see Moxxie stumbling down the hall, cans piled in his arms.

"Sooooo-" Loona looked towards me as Blitz left the room, an interested sparkle in her eyes as we were left alone once more. "About breakfast?"

The two of us looked into the kitchen, my eyes fixing on the old stove, which looked infinitely older than I was. "That thing looks like it's... 18 or 19 years old or something."

"You'd probably be right..." She walked into the kitchen and sat back down at the table, picking up her phone. "I don't think anything in this shitty building has been fixed or changed since it was put here... maybe apart from when the place got set on fire."

"Wait, the office was set on fire?" I spun around to look at Loona, who looked up at me with a shrug.

"Yeah, right when we had a client in as well. Fatty was doing target practice on a family photo or something." She looked back down at her phone, flicking through Voxtagram once more.

"Okay, makes sense." I nodded, turning back around and grabbing the handle of the fridge. "I wouldn't be surprised that the only stuff replaced was the shit that got set on fire... especially considering Blitz's massive collection of horse dolls he has in his office." I opened the fridge and rummaged through it, occasionally pulling out something before shutting it and carrying the ingredients to the bench.

"Do you know where the pots are in here?" I turned around again and looked at Loona, my paw holding the handle of a half-opened cupboard above the counter space.

"Bottom cupboard, left of the fridge." She answered, not looking up from her phone. My phone vibrated on the table and I glanced over at it for a second before crouching down and pulling out a shallow pan from the cupboard, beginning to cook breakfast.

Third-Person Perspective

Watching Y/N bustle around the kitchen gave Loona an interesting new perspective of him. Initially, he looked cold and distant from the world, only here to do a job... but now that she had spent a while with him, she found he was caring and considerate to the people around him.

It made her feel weird knowing that someone besides Blitz actually cared about her... but the weird feeling was a good one. She scrolled Voxtagram for a moment before finding his profile, opening their Direct Messages and staring at the screen, thinking of something to write. She wanted to thank him, but she didn't really know how.

"Maybe a little picture... no, that's too cutesy. Just thanks is fine." She said to herself, beginning to type.

She put her phone down and let out a relieved sigh, feeling somewhat happy with herself. She watched him look over at his phone as it pinged before continuing with breakfast, plating up their food and serving it to the table with a set of cutlery each. She watched the boy sit down in front of her and slide his phone out of the way, unaware she was blushing.

"Dig in!" Y/N looked at her with a kind smile before beginning to eat, Loona beginning shortly after.

Moxxie, who smelt Y/N's cooking from in the lobby room, quickly raced down the hall to investigate, poking his head through the door and sniffing around before looking at the two hellhounds eating their plates of food. "Loona, I didn't know you were one for breakfast dates~" He teased, smirking at her as she went red, this time with irritation.

"This isn't a date fatty, I was hungry." Loona snapped, glaring at Moxxie for a few seconds before returning to her food, ignoring whatever other comments he had to offer.

Y/N looked up at Moxxie and gave him a shrug as he shot the hellhound a questioning stare before leaving, Y/N happily returning to his breakfast.

A/N: Totally didn't accidentally post this too early... recently I've been kinda off my game due to some stuff that's been happening, so this chapter's kinda a little all over the place. Don't mind that, it's just representative of my brain currently. And yes, I did name this chapter after an album made by The Used. I know it's been a short chapter as well, but again, kinda off my game. I hope you all enjoy it anyway!

Burn Bright & Carry On

Hell's Hitmen For Hire (Loona x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now