Chapter 3

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After dinner, Cade tells me I need to get a bath again. I let him push me into the bathroom. He takes our clothes off and turns the water on.

"Even if you hate me, at least let me bathe you regularly..." Cade complains.

"If I hate you, I won't want you cleaning me," I say.

"Then I'll dump water on you or something!! You stink up the place if you go so long without bathing... isn't it uncomfortable being dirty?"

"No. I used to like being covered in blood after I hunted humans. Blood is warm and—"

"Stop!! You're gross!! And scary!!" Cade yells. He cautiously splashes me with water to start cleaning.

I go quiet. Cade scrubs my skin. He uses a sponge and a cloth to wash me. Sometimes his fingertips graze me. My skin feels strange where he touched me. I wonder why.

We finish cleaning up. Cade dresses us and falls onto his bed. He seems tired. I sit at the end of the bed.

"...hey..." Cade says.

"What?" I reply.

"Talk to me before you decide to sit in the corner of your room again."


"Why do you do that anyway? A bed would be more comfortable to sit or lay on."

"Perhaps it reminds me of the time I spent being locked up. I was like that for centuries. It's oddly familiar and comforting now."

"That's sad though!!" Cade sits up to look at me. His expression shows his sadness.

I look away. His eyes make me feel weird.

"If you ever feel like that again, then... uh..." Cade searches for an answer. "Then hug me! Or something! Like this!!"

Cade suddenly wraps his arms around me. I'm frozen, I don't know what to do. I can feel his soft breath on my neck. His warmth envelops me. His hair tickles my cheek. His body is pressed against mine.

I growl. "Get off of me."

Cade immediately lets go. "Wait, I'm sorry!! Don't be mad!"

I stand up and start to leave.

"Don't go!! Weren't we going to sleep together??" Cade calls after me.

"Don't want to," I say. I go to my room instead.

I nudge the door with my foot so it's only a crack open. I lean against the wall behind the door. For some reason... my cold dead heart feels warm. It usually beats slowly and you might think I'm actually dead. But I feel it beating a bit faster than normal. What is happening to me...? Does Cade know how to use magic or something? If he did, then he'd probably be able to undo the spell... he said he can't find any way to do so though.

I trudge to my bed and lie down. My heart has finally gone back to its original rhythm. It should stay that way.

After that, we continued our lives as usual. I was a bit wary of his touch from then on, but he didn't have any reason to touch me except when to clean and dress me. I tried to endure those times. But I kept feeling strange. I would begin to watch his face as he cleaned me and notice how long his eyelashes are... But why is that important? Why is that something I'm making note of? I should forget it.

Whenever he touched me and I wasn't expecting it, I would flinch. He always looked surprised and confused when that happened. He began to smile apologetically. It's not like he's doing anything wrong though... It's a problem with me. But since then, he's looked a bit down.

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