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Keith spent the rest of the day with me. We continued watching Game of Thrones, cuddled up close to one another on the sofa - in a friendly way, obviously. I enjoyed spending time with him, and I wasn't afraid to show that. I think the feeling was mutual.

At about seven o'clock, I climbed out of Keith's arms. "I have to go and get ready." I had been feeding Keith carbohydrates and making him drink coffee all day, so he was quite sober by that time.

"What time is it?" He asked in reply.

"Seven o'clock." I answered. "It starts at half eight, right?" He nodded and got off of the sofa, bending back slightly and clicking his back.

I watched, fascinated. The sound that was made when somebody cracked a joint entranced me. Keith clapped in my face, chuckling as I snapped back into reality. "I can't wait to see what you're wearing tonight," he said, "did you get something nice at the mall yesterday?"

"Yep!" I enthused. "Oh! Do you want your change?" He shook his head.

"Buy yourself a new record or something." He grinned and then leaned forward, kissing my cheek. I could feel myself blushing, but I tried to act natural. "See you in a bit, Lenny." And Keith turned and left my house, calling over his shoulder, "and thanks for today!" as he went.

* * * * *

An hour and a half later, I was ready to go... but I didn't want to be eager, so I decided to make myself a sandwich before I went because I didn't want to look like a pig in front of everybody if I got hungry.

After I had eaten the sandwich, I picked up my phone and put it into my purse before I left my house and walked over to Keith's. The door was closed, so I knocked on it. Anita opened it, an unamused look on her face when she saw me.

"He invited you!?" She asked in disbelief and disgust by way of a greeting.

I smiled, "so lovely to see you too, Anita." I patted her shoulder and walked past her, further into the house. Keith was in the kitchen, which happened to be the very first room I went in.

"And she's here!" He threw his arms up, a red cup in one hand, and cheered. The man beside him turned and my eyes widened and my mouth fell open as I saw who it was. "Mick!" Keith exclaimed, putting his empty hand on his friend's shoulder, "this is the girl I was telling you about - her name's -"

"Lenny." Mick interrupted, finishing the sentence. "I know, Keith. She's all you've spoken about since I got here."

I blushed again. "Keith!" Anita exclaimed as she hurried into the kitchen, an unhappy look on her face, "you invited a minor to a party with booze and drugs -"

"No drugs tonight." Keith said firmly. I turned to Anita, whose face had fallen. She obviously was only sticking around for the drugs.

Mick crossed the large kitchen and stood right beside me, so close that I could smell his aftershave. "Lenny," he held out a hand, and I shook it, "so lovely to meet you, dear. Don't mind Anita - she's just sour because Keith's got his eyes on a younger girl -"

"I don't think -"

"Drink?" Keith asked as he interrupted us, holding out a red cup to me. I thanked him and took it, taking a small sip of the beverage inside. I subconsciously noticed that Anita had left the room. "It's Jack Daniels and coke." I took another swig and winced. The drink was so bitter. "Mostly Jack." Mick chuckled.

"You look an absolute vision in that dress." I thanked him again, aware that it was hardly a dress - more like two pieces of material held together by black satin ribbon. "Did you bring your records?"

Woman Like Me | Keith Richards ✅Where stories live. Discover now