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The next morning, I woke up with a big smile on my face as I remembered my next door neighbour, the Rolling Stone, Keith Richards. How badly I wanted to pick up the phone and call my dad to tell him...

But he had made it abundantly clear what I meant to him, and it was nothing. Less than nothing, even.

And then the smile slipped from my face as I thought about what my dad was probably doing right now. He was most likely sitting down to breakfast with his new wife, the twenty-one year old Lara, and their one year old twin daughters, Vixen and Viola.

There was somebody at the door, evident because of the doorbell echoing throughout the house - and then I remembered what I had promised to do - drive mum to the airport! I called through the house for her as I dashed to the door to answer it. I threw it open and gasped, immediately turning red as I saw who was standing there.

"K-Keith..." I stammered, standing aside so he could come in. He took off his shades, which were completely necessary to wear in the mid-morning Californian sun.

"Good morning, darling!" He exclaimed as he looked around the hallway briefly before turning back to me, his brown eyes seemed to sparkle in the sunlight that filtered in through the front door. "Ooh, love the outfit!"

I looked down at what I was wearing - my Victoria's Secret set which barely covered my tits and arse, let alone the rest of my body. I gasped and immediately looked around me for something to cover me with. Keith sighed and took off his own denim jacket, handing it to me and purposely averting his gaze to the far wall. I took the jacket and put it on, holding it closed as I sighed. "Thanks." I mumbled as I closed the front door and led him over to the breakfast bar.

"No problem," he paused, "I just got back from driving your mum to the airport -"

"You took her?" I asked in disbelief, putting the coffee machine on and then gesturing to it, silently asking Mr Richards if he wanted some. He nodded and I got two mugs out of the cupboard.

"Sure did."

"Why? You two hadn't even met, had you?" I was careful to keep Keith's jacket closed as I rummaged in cupboards and drawers for the utensils which I needed for breakfast and coffee.

"No," he said, "but I knocked early this morning to ask her about something and we just got talking... I offered to run her there to save you getting up."

"I was going to do it -"

I put his mug of coffee in front of him, along with the creamer and sugar. He gasped, "don't fall over yourself in a hurry to say thank you!"

"Sorry." I sat in the chair next time, painfully aware of how the denim jacket rode up my thighs as I sat down. I sipped at the coffee in my own mug - black, like my soul.

"Anyway," he said, stirring creamer into the hot beverage, "your mum asked me to keep an eye on you."

"Oh wonderful," I said wryly, "my mum asked my perverted new neighbour to keep his eye on me... forgive me if I'm not exactly jumping for joy."

Keith looked at me with an unamused expression on his face. "Okay," I said, "maybe I'm being a little harsh - I'm sorry, alright?" He nodded. "I just don't have much good experience with men in my life, so I'm a little defensive."

Keith sighed. "It's okay... but I'm not a pervert, alright? And you shouldn't say I am because it's a very serious accusation and -"

"Okay, Colonel Mustard," I said, waving a hand at him, "I get it. You don't like it. I'm a bitch for calling you that. Message received."

He smiled. "I didn't come over to lecture you, y'know."

I sighed. "So what did you come over for then, Keith?"

"Well some breakfast wouldn't go amiss." I got up and went to go and fulfil his order, though why I wasn't sure. He watched as I rustled up some bacon in a pan on the stove and then buttered some bread. I sat back down, putting his food in front of him. "You're not going to eat?" He asked in disbelief.

I shrugged. "Watching my figure."

Keith sighed and pushed the bacon sandwich in front of me. "You don't need to 'watch your figure'," he said, putting quote marks around the repeated phrase, "you're absolutely perfect just the way you are, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise, okay?" I smiled at him but then pushed the sandwich back.

"You might as well eat it, Richards, because I won't be." He stared at me for a few seconds, trying to make me cave and eat the sandwich, but I didn't. In the end, he picked it up and took a large bite. "And the second reason you came?"

"Oh!" He exclaimed around his mouthful of bacon buttie. "Yeah, right!" He finished his mouthful, swallowed it, then wiped his face with the sandwich, which was something I hadn't seen anybody do before. He fascinated me. When he had recovered himself, he said, "I came to invite you to the housewarming party that I'm throwing tomorrow."

I grinned, already knowing that I was going, but wanting to tease him a little. "Who's going?"

"Me." Keith answered.

"Obviously." I answered in an amused tone of voice.

"All of the band's been invited." I grinned. "Does that mean you're coming?"

"Hmm," I teased, "who else is invited?"

"Well I invited some other... friends... of mine." He paused, "but just because they're invited doesn't mean they'll come - they're very busy people -"

"Oh come on, Keith!" I exclaimed, unable to contain myself, "who?!"

He smirked. "Paul McCartney...?"

"Paul McCartney!?" I exclaimed in disbelief and excitement. "No way!" Keith nodded. I squealed excitedly. Keith watched me, a grin on his face and a sparkle in his eyes. "Who else!?"

"Well I invited Ringo and his wife, Barb, as well, but they don't really come unless Paul does, so -"

"BEATLES!" I yelled, jumping up from the breakfast bar and doing a little dance.

Keith laughed as he watched me. My arms were up in the air and I was moving like I hadn't done in years - and then I realised that my body was on display for him to see, and I gasped, pulling the denim jacket closed again.

Keith finished his bacon sandwich and stood up, walking over to me and reaching out slowly with one calloused hand. I watched, holding my breath, as he put a hand on my naked waist. As soon as his palm made contact with me, my skin heated up underneath it, and I gasped. Keith immediately withdrew from me, looking like he had committed a crime. "You don't have to cover up for me, Lenny." He pressed a hot kiss to my cheek and then he was gone, out of the house, leaving me alone with my thoughts and thumping heart.

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