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Ethan P.O.V
Benny barged into my room while I was reading a comic on my bed.

"Dude ,your parents are gone,and we have the run of the house.Well,except for your sisters and Sarah"He said"Your babysitter"He changed his tone
"Do you have any idea what this means"Benny asked

"Does it rhyme with gideo vames"I asked

"Almost"He put his hands on my shoulders

"Nights of Ninjas four"He said pulling out the disc
"I had to wait five hours in line for this puppy and I had to pee the entire time"He said

I jumped up.

"Wow,this is going to be worth every bit of kidney damage.Wait,why do we need the run of the house for this"I asked

"You know,so we can yell and stuff"He replied

"You yell in here all the time,my mom is constantly telling y-"I started

"Do you wanna play or not"He asked

I looked at him then ran over to computer to play.
"Oh come on,I can't believe we blew out the processor now,wait I think if I can jump these cables I can get it working"I said

"Or,we coukd use a minor reporation spell.It can fix anything,it says so right here"Benny said

I jumped the cables and the processor beeped back on.

"Boo ya,back in business"I said as Benny put down his spell book and rejoined me.

Y/n P.O.V.

"Y/n, Ethan you gotta see this"Sarah yelled from the hallway.I stepped out of my room and walked over to where she was outside of Janes door.

They boys came out of Ethans Room and joined us in Janes.

"What the heck is that"Ethan asked

"A life sized Debby Dazzle"I responded

"I think I had a dream about this once"Benny said

"Jane, can I talk to you for a minuet"Ethan asked walking her to the other side of the room.I followed.
"Jane what did you do"I asked

"She had a broken leg so I used Benny's fix-it spell,and now she's alive"she responded handing me Bennys book

"Lets have ice cream and go to a roller disco dance party"Debbie said

"Yay"Jane cheered

"Im in"Benny said

"No parties,you have to turn her back into a doll"Ethan said

"No,I don't want to go back.Its do boring.I want to have fun.I won't go back,I won't"She said

Jane skipped over and took her hand.

"Don't worry Debbie I won't let them change you back,I promise"She said

"Oh goodie,lets celebrate,Cupcake dance party"She said before Jane pulled her out of the room.

Benny jumped with excitement.

"Find a way to to fix this"Ethan said

I handed Benny his spell book.

Sarah walked out of the room to go after Jane.

"Its not that simple,Jane used a differnt spell,or different words.I c reverse it until ink ow the exact spell "Benny said

"Kitchen party"Debbie yelled from down stairs.

"Just find the spell,Fast"Ethan said before walking out of the room.

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