The Entrance

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      Sitting in my small apartment, my foot tapped the ground repeatedly. It was already darkening outside. Had I made a mistake, agreeing to an interview and now I didn't even know who I had agreed to an interview with? I looked over at my phone. It was almost dead, so I stood and went to plug it in just as the lights flickered and shut off. I swore loudly, and immediately called the owner, knowing my phone was almost dead. 

        "The electricity went out," I said as soon as she picked up.

        "You've been given multiple warnings about the rent being due. You're the next thing out," She said stiffly. 

         "I haven't gotten any warnings!" I practically shouted. I walked over to my mailbox and opened it. It had three letters about this over the past month, along with a ton of junk mail. I swore under my breath. 

         "You've been sent many letters warning you. You can pay it in the morning-"

       "No. No no no. I need electricity tonight," I said quickly. "I'm getting a call from a job tonight."

        "Sorry. There's nothing I c-" She cut off and I realized my phone had died. I grabbed my charging cord from the wall, stuffed my feet into a pair of shoes, and went to head towards the coffee shop to charge it, but as soon as I opened my door I saw someone unfamiliar, and took a step back. 

        "Hello, Althea," Said the woman. "We're here as your notice." She spread her arms to her side. I realized there were two men, one at either side. They were silent. 

         "I...I thought it would be a call," I mumbled, staring at her. 

       She smirked a bit. "Our group isn't as simple as that. Are you packed?"

       "Packed?" I replied in confusion. "Wait. I have a few questions for y-"

       "Not enough time for that. You decide now, you come with me, or you stay here. You can't have any information."

       I scoffed. "What am I applying for? The secret service." She held her hands calmly behind her, almost a practiced form. 

         "Look. I'm not a fan of the boss choosing some newbie. So you can either pack and get in the car right now, or you can stay in this worn down apartment with no electricity. Your choice." Her words were cold and I hesitated, looking back at my apartment, then nodding.

       "Fine. Give me 20 minutes." I walked back into the room.

         "You don't need to get everything. Just what you need for the next few days." I heard her say then shut the door. I started packing up a few clothes, and a few other items. I didn't have a suitcase, so instead I just had a few bags. I walked back out and nodded. 

       "Now what?" She looked me up and down, then nodded to the car. I walked over, and saw the two men in the front of the black car. I slid into the back and saw it was very clean, and though it looked like a plain car from outside, I realized it was a lot different on the inside. There was a screen that separated the front of the car from the back. It was mostly open but when I slid into the car I saw it close, not before I caught a glimpse of a large screen to the right of the steering wheel. 

      This was a bad idea.

      My parents might be dead but at least they had taught me about stranger danger. They could kill me while I was in here or worse. I shifted nervously and saw a charging port and quickly plugged in my phone with a nod, letting it take a moment to turn on. The door beside me opened. 

       "Bags." I handed them to her and she took them. "Phone off. Now." I frowned but I turned it off. She closed the door and a few seconds came back. "You're not to use you're phone for the next few hours." She held out a hand but I held onto my phone tighter. 

         "I don't know who you are. You're definitely not touching my phone," I said sternly. "I'm keeping it on me. And if ya'll are trying to, like, murder me, I'll use it. I hate to break it to you. I need a job but not that bad." She lifted her chin and looked forward. I felt the car start up. We drove in silence. The windows were tinted and I could barely see out them, but I knew quickly we were leaving my town. She tried offering me a water bottle, but I passed, an leaned on the window. It was drawing close to midnight when I fell asleep.

      I felt someone poke me in the side, and that must have been what woke me up. I sat up straight and glared at the woman. 

       "We're almost there. You need to be more alert."

       "Can I at least get your name, miss pokey?" I asked with a yawn. 

       "My name's three." I frowned in confusion. The car pulled to a halt. She got out and I got out my door and saw...we were in the middle of an open field. 

      "Where are we?" I asked, looking around in confusion. Yeah. I was definitely about to be murdered. I looked around but it was just grass. One part looked a bit off in color. I stood on top of it and looked at the girl. "What's this? A test?" I stomped my foot down. Instead of the sound of it hitting the grass it created a loud metal noise.

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