Soul Fallen

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As the night went on, Ace drove silently alongside Abdul. Both of the girls had fallen asleep, quickly after thier conversation on how they were going to find Levane.

"And then there were two" Abdul said. "Well, sort of"

"Abdul, could I tell you something?" Ace suddenly asked. Abdul seemed surprised that Ace an upper angel had even wanted to share a secret with him.

"Sure. What?" He asked.

"I think I'm in love with Eve" Ace said. "I mean, I know that sounds crazy but-"

"You know I've been wondering when you were going to admit it" Abdul grinned.

"Why do you say that?"

"Dude, you give it off so easy" Abdul said.

"And do you think I should ask her out? I mean, won't she think I'm selfish or something considering were out to look for Levane? She's pretty determined"

"Well I think you should. Just find the right time to do it"

Ace thanked Abdul for the advice. And then it went back to the somewhat bitter silence between the two.

The next morning I woke up with my head against my backpack and my feet across Leisha. I sat up carefull not to kick her in the head with my feet. As I sat up I yawned and realized that we still hadn't arrived at the motel yet. Abdul was asleep. Ace was still driving but he hadn't noticed me yet.

"Hey" I said. He turned back surprised and then said "Oh hey"

"So what time is it?" I asked.

"Almost seven" He answered. "Where do you want to stop for breakfast? Mcdonalds?"

I shrugged so he took it as a yes. I grabbed some money I had brought and we left Abdul and Leisha in the car. I laughed thinking about what they might think if they woke up at mcdonalds.

"What?" Ace asked.

"Nothing" I said shaking my head.

We went in and ordered food. After we got a table we started to talk about all the renovate stuff.

"So how are we supposed to do the renovate if were on a however long it takes of a trip?" I asked.

"If it get's too long, we'll do the renovate when we have the time to" Ace answered as if it had been so simple.

I took a sip of my coffee. "Well I guess that sounds right. But what about Levane? What if we do find her? Then what?"

"Well then I guess we think up a plan to get her out of there safe" Ace said. Again, the simple answer.

I heard the door slam open and the bell clanged against the wall. We both turned, everyone in the restaurant turned, and Leisha and Abdul walked in.

"You could have woken us up" Abdul said sitting in next to Ace.

"Well sorry, you want a pancake?" I asked.

He shook his head. Leisha though, did want one. She ate a bunch load of stuff before we were back at the car heading over to the motel.

By the time we got there we had put all our stuff down and were ready to talk over about how we would find Levane.

"So once we know where they are in the house, we'll sneak in where they're not and when I say now I'll come in and knock out our enemy. You get Levane out of there" Ace told me.

"What should we do?" Leisha asked referring to her and Abdul.

"You can knock out anyone else that might be there" Ace said.

"How are we even going to find her?" I asked.

Then I realized I had Drew's number still in my phone. I knew that no one would have liked to know I was planning on calling him and telling him off. It might make him do something worse to Levane. But I was going to risk it anyway.

I went into the bathroom and hit his number.

"Hello?" He asked. He sounded tired and there was a faint glass breaking sound in the background.

"Drew!" I yelled.

"Oh" He said. "Hey Eve" His voice stopped sounding weak and I could almost imagine the evil smirk on his face.

"Where are you and Levane?"

"Now why would I tell you that?"

"Because I want to know you stupid bastard!" I said. "Just tell me where you are. God dammit"

"You make me laugh" He hung up instantly.

I debated wether to call him back or not but I decided not to. I came out of the bathroom and sighed as I sat down at the bed. Now what could I do?

Levane's P.O.V-

"You make me laugh" I heard Drew say slamming his phone shut. He walked back into the room I was in and leaned in real close to me. I could smell the beer in his breath.

"Your friends are out looking for you ya know" He said.

"Oh really? That's great" I said. "Maybe I'll get a chance to live now"

"There is no hope for you Levane" He growled. "There will never be. You can forget about Soul Fallen. You can forget about everyone"

"Damn you" I muttered but he'd heard me. I had been lucky this time he hadn't punched me or something. He just sighed and left the room. If Eve ever realized that her powers would be usefull to find me, I would have sang in praise. But no, that would have just been a miricle.

Eve's P.O.V-

"Hey Eve" Ace said. "Could I talk to you?"

"Sure" I said. "What's up?"

He sat at his bed and he had been reading some of my grandmother's diary. He seemed almost surprised and sort of stunned.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well if I'd known earlier" He said. "Then you would have known that your grandmother wasn't only a student at Soul Fallen"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She was a queen Eve. She was the queen of Soul Fallen. Which only means your of royal blood. And that means..."

I didn't have to finish his sentence. I realized now I had a fate bigger than anything I'd ever imagined.

But I wouldn't let that get in the way of Levane. Things were more important now than claiming a throne. I knew I had to find her, and then later things could be settled out. Jaquel would be told about the diary and about my grandmother. Then things would never be the same. But right now, things would be hasty.

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