Soul Fallen

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"Wow" Levane said. "Really?" I nodded.

"And we got these old tapes" Leisha said. Abdul put in a tape and we all sat on the couch to watch.

Irene appeared on the screen. It was black and white. It looked to be from the nineteen thirties or forties. She seemed to be already married to Taylor. She looked pregnant.

"I hope this is on" She said. "Oh I guess it doesn't matter" She looked like a combination of Leisha and me. She had my green eyes and Leisha's blonde hair.

"So before I turn this off" She said, staring directly into the camera. "Well at least I hope I know how to turn it off, because these are new"

"If my granddaughter or grandson or whoever you may be is watching this, I want you to know that I love you. I know that you will be mad at me soon. But soon you'll know why. I am sorry I never could have told you. It would have been too dangerous for you to know. I wish I could tell you now. Oh how I wish I could. Your grandfather loves you too. Goodbye"

"How interesting" Drew said.

"What does she mean by were going to be mad at her?" I asked.

Leisha shrugged. We split the tapes and headed up for the night. It was getting late and it soon became curfew.

That night I couldn't stop thinking about the woman at the market and the man from the shop.

You must be the next one...

And when the man had said-

Come on you two. Don't play this game with me...

I tried to sleep. I tried to forget about it. I had never wanted to be in so deep with all this information I didn't know what to do with.

I'd almost forgotten about our renovate.

I opened my eyes. I had fallen asleep, only for a little while.

"Levane?" I asked looking over. She wasn't there. I got up and knocked on the bathroom door. "Levane?"

There was no answer. I peeked open the door to find she was not there. Worry and fear rushed over me. There was no way she'd sneak out. I already knew that.

I headed out of my dorm throwing on a sweater and my slippers. I walked over to Leisha's dorm which was down the hall. Her roommate Lindsey answered.

"Can I talk to Leisha please?" I asked Lindsey.

Lindsey yawned. "It's two in the morning. She's sleeping"

"Well wake her up"

"Come back tommarow"

"No" I had to do this now. Levane was in trouble. I wasn't going to let something like this get in my way.

Lindsey sighed. "Come in"

I walked in and went over to Leisha. She was sleeping soundlessly. I shook her a little and her eyes opened.

"Eve?" She asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Levane's missing" I said. She got up. Lindsey went back to bed. Leisha put on her sneakers and we walked over to Abduls dorm. After waking him up we headed over to Drews. He wasn't there. But there was a note. We read it.

Sorry for your worries. I'm also sorry this note has to be found this way. I guess you're probably wondering about Levane. She's with some people. Can't say I know their names. But I'm with her too now. Don't bother finding us. You won't

My throat locked. No.

The upper angels never slept or ate. They stayed awake and had no problem with keeping us safe that way. We headed over to the building uncaring anymore if we got yelled at.

Some were in their dorms while others were perched by the windows. We headed over to someone and reported them to be missing. We also showed them the note. They awoke Jaquel. Some of the upper angels came out to see what all of commotion was.

Ace was there too. He asked what was going on.

"Levane's kidnapped" I said. "By Drew and some of the ghost hunters I think. He left a note" Showing him the note, he seemed surprised.

Jaquel had us step to the side to talk with him. Abdul, Leisha, Ace, and me. He explained that with Leisha and me having to do with this he appointed the four of us to leave. We were getting money to go stay at a motel and head off to find Levane. We were going on a road trip. Ace and Abdul included.

For now, we were getting stuff back at our dorms. Leisha was meeting up at my dorm after she got her stuff. I grabbed the diary, the gem left on the side of Levane's bed, some clothes, the spell book, and shoes. I threw it all into a blue backpack and found Leisha waiting at my door. We both headed down to the lounge. Ace and Abdul were already there.

"I hope we find them" Leisha said.

"Me too" I said.

We used a school car to get to the motel. Ace kept the money with him and the other stuff like a knife or a gun in case. We each had a spell book on us too. But Abdul had both the photocopy and the real diary with him. I trusted him enough to hold onto these.

"The tapes" Leisha said.

"We have to leave them" I told her. "Only Levane matters right now"

We headed in the car at two forty in the morning. Ace drove with Abdul in the passenger. Leisha and I fell asleep in the back.

Levane's P.O.V-

I stared into the flickering candle. Drew stood next to me. My arms were tied behind me. I sat on the futon in the room of the house.

"Drew, where are we?" I asked him.

"Don't worry about that Levane" He said.

"Why did you drug me?"

He looked down at me. His eyes silenced me.

"Were waiting for someone" He said. "That's all you need to know"

I'd thought I'd loved him. I'd thought he was the one. I trusted him enough to have sex with him. Now he was going to kill me. He had never intended it, but I knew in my heart he was going to do just that.

Then I thought about Eve and Leisha. Abdul and the renovates. The school and the upper angels, the ghosts, the students there, the magic.

The magic.

I tried to use it but it wouldn't work.

"Why doesn't it work?" I growled.

"You really think I'd let you keep your magic?" He asked. "Levane your more powerful than Eve"

"How do you know that?"

"I had powers once. I lost them"

"How do you know I'm stronger than Eve?"

He wouldn't answer me. Now all I had to do was wait.

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