Chapter 5-Fight

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"I think I like.."
Ginny came barging in
"HARRY RON ITS HERMIONE SHES IN A FIGHT WITH DRACO" she yelled her face as pale as snow
"Ah shit not again"

All three of them ran out or the carriage to find Hermione and Draco wrestling on the floor of the train.
"DID ANYONE EVER TELL YOU NOT TO HIT A GIRL" Hermione screamed angrily.
"SHUT UP MUDBLOOD" Draco hissed while pulling at Hermione's hair.
Harry ran up to Hermione, who was now on top of Draco punching him, pulled her of Draco, sat her down next to Ginny who was in tears and yelled "GUYS this is the fourth time you've done this, come on can't we all just get along"

Draco stood up "Shut up" he muttered under his breath as he wiped the blood of his lips which were now bleeding.

"What did you say?" Ron unfortunately heard him, we walked out from behind Harry "what did you say to Harry"
"Ron leave it" Harry was blushing at this point
"No no no I'm sick of this bitch treating you like shit. Petrificus Totalus"

Draco hit the floor with a thud, not moving, not even blinking.
"Is he dead" a first year said with fear
"No not dead" another first year replied "just, frozen?"

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