Chapter 1-The trip

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A/N: hi I'm not very good at writing and I'm a little dyslexic but I am going to try, I apologise if I spells anything wrong

{.....} = thoughts
"...." = talking
~.....~ = speeds/ other stuff

(Chapter 1) ~the trip~
It was dark, no cars, no shouting, it was silent.
Harry woke up. He sat there, frozen in fear.
At this point Harry was scared for his life. He sat up and walked to the window. He smiled as he saw a car coming, it was mr Weasleys but something was off it wasn't mr Weasley driving a car, it was someone else. It was Ron, Fred and George. Harry's face turned red but he didn't know why, he opened the window.
"Hi there" Ron said with a big smile.
"What are you guys doing here"
George leaned forward from the back.
"Um school"
"Oh fuck i haven't packed!" He realised
Harry quickly but quietly pack his things up ready for Hogwarts, grabbed hedwig and got ready to jump in the car.
"Ok ready" Ron lifted the hammer
The glass shattered dramatically, Harry screamed in fear, he didn't mean to scream it just came out. Then there was a thud and a scream.
It was uncle Vernon, he ran down the hallway every step shaking the house.
"Shit let's go"
Harry jumped out the window and landed straight on to Ron's lap. Harry blushed.
"Umm oops" he said awkwardly
"Nah it's ok"
Harry could see that Ron was blushing too, which only made Harry blush more. Harry wasn't sure what these feelings were but he hadn't felt them before.
Fred and George sat there staring at them not knowing what's going on.
"* cough * get a room" Fred chuckled.
There was a deafening silence
"Ok let's go"
The rest of the ride to the Weasleys house was awkward.

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