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He had found the child surprise and completely unexpectedly. But now they were being hunted and he only knew of one place where she just might be safe. It had been over 60 years since he had been home. While the others returned every winter, the halls only brought back the bad memories for him. But yet here they were freaking up the mountain to get to the nearly empty castle. He didn't exactly expect a warm welcome, but his brothers seemed to be especially cold. Vesemir seemed to be the only one who was genuinely happy to see him. Although they acted plenty warm to Ciri.
"Come girl eat, we have plenty." He put a hand on Geralts chest keeping him from sitting. "You and I however need to have a talk." Vesemirs led him outside and looked over training ground. "Almost 80 years ago now, Eskel almost died fighting a bruxa. He would of if a very kind woman hadn't of intervened, in thanks for saving his life he brought her here." He went on to explain what exactly happened in those first thirty years. "Before she came back on the twentieth year she ran into a man who needed help. She healed him, nursed him back to health and fell in love with him. But because of her immortality she felt she could never truly be with him. Fifty one years ago when she entered these halls after meeting him we heard it, she was carrying his babe. Although we did not know who the father was until the babe was born. When I first held him I knew immediately. This impossible child was truly a gift from the gods.  The father a Witcher, the mother an immortal witch." With that a white haired male with golden eyes joined them. Even at fifty he didn't look a day over twenty. "Regulus meet your father." Vesemir gestured behind Geralt. "Geralt meet your son."
The two men stared at each other for a few moments. Before either of them could speak Geralt fainted.
"Do you think mom should look him over?" Regulus asked.
'Do you want another sibling?' Was the question Vesemir really wanted to ask but held his tongue. "No help me get him to his room." As they walked with the large unconscious man through the halls they had to stop as Eskel called out to him.
"Oi kid you didn't hurt him did ya?"
"The man bloody fainted! Is his room still open?" Eskel got a mischievous look upon his face.
"Nope this little lady is taking it for the night, go dump him in your moms room should give him a scare when he wakes up in the morning." He took another drink from his ale.
He and Vesemir shared a look. Befor shrugging. If anything happened it was Geralt or Eskel getting killed not them.
The next morning everyone was eating in the dining hall when they heard a scream. Many of them started to rush to Rowena's room before Regulus stopped them.
"She's fine just had a nasty shock this morning."  Without missing a beat his unusually strong mother flung his father down the steps right at Eskel's feet. Her robe tied tightly around her she glared at the laughing man. Eskel couldn't hold back at the sight of his oldest friend getting tossed down the stairs.
"You, you put my son up to this didn't you." She growled. Proving that he still hadn't learned his lesson from the last time he pranked his mother Eskel didn't immediately run away in fear.
"Mother why are you so upset." Asked Killian from down her table.
"Because Sometime in the middle of the night a half asleep Geralt decided to strip his clothes a little habit that Eskel knows about the man since they  have been friends for so long. So what do I wake up to but a naked man in my bed!" The younger ones kept switching glares from the unconscious man on the floor to Uncle Eskel who just made their mother very angry. Eskel however gulped as the anger. On her face was replaced with a smirk. "Lyla, Sarah. Let's introduce Eskel to obstacle course number 79." The two younger women had a similar look on their faces.
"Come uncle Eskel you are going to love this." The two woman dragged him away.
After the trio left the room Geralt couldn't help but wonder just what the hell was going on!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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