Lady of the castle

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"Here my lady you can stay in this room. It's one of the nicer ones." Eskel said leading her down the halls. "If you need anything I will just be down the hall. Get some rest my lady."
"Thank you Eskel, you have been an enormous help my friend." She said kissing his on the cheek before entering the room and getting in the bed.
He stayed long enough to her her heart rate slow and her breathing even out. He made his way back to the dining hall in desperate need of a drink. As he sat his brothers entered surprisingly silent. They all gathered their food and ale and sat around him.
"Eskel tell us about her." Vesemir ordered as he took his seat. It was very unusual for him to be the center of attention.
"She is incredible, the bruxa I was tracking almost finished me off, but she killed it single handedly, she then healed me, she could have easily left me for dead and then stripped my corpse. She healed me and fed me never once did she ask for anything. I had asked her why and she said she wouldn't let anyone die as long as she could help it." He took a long drink of his ale. "We were only a week or two away, but it took us a month and half to get here. Every town or village we stopped in she healed any she came across never once asking for coin. She used a combination of her magic and healing herbs. Babes that were near death, people that were riddled with disease, broken bones that would take months to heal. She helped them all. Her magic is different then the witches we are used to, it is hard to explain but you will understand when you see her use it. I do not know why she doesn't age, I've asked but she always gets quiet and then sad." He shrugged, he never really understood any emotion except anger and lust.
"I believe now it is time to tell you the truth of our place in this castle. Lord Sirius Black had appeared in this world over 400 years ago. Witchers themselves already roamed and fought monsters, only then Kings had them fighting in wars. Warriors who were stronger, faster, they were every kingdoms dream. He started out as a traveler first, then a merchant, before long he had made himself a name and built this castle and then offered refuge to the last few Witcher's that were left. Then the monster problem became larger, the others sought to make more. Lord Sirius was horrified at the process. He worked tirelessly to come up with an alternative. He died, before his work could be completed. They were waiting on him to finish his work before injecting the formula into the young boys, but because of his death they couldn't wait any longer, and the brutal process you all were put through continued. To honor him we now use the head of the wolf, as a sign of our order. He left us this castle in his death so that we would always have a home. He accepted us for who we were and never held it against us. The least we can do is make this a home for his daughter."

The next morning the men all woke to the smell of fresh food and some smells they didn't recognize. As they entered the dining hall they were shocked at the amount of food that was on the tables. Fruits, meats, eggs, some strange kind of drink. Then there was a kind of sweet bread that had some sort of white sugary thing on top. Eskel was already at one end of the table with Rowena across from him eating their fill and talking. Eskel hearing the door open looked their way, drawing her attention to them.
"Well what are you all waiting for come eat!" She said happily. Without a second thought they took their seats and filling their plates. Many of the food was still warm. They all however stayed away from the sweet smelling bread. Eskel watched as she ate her own.
"What is that?" He asked as she broke off yet another piece and stuck it in her mouth.
Her eyes gave a mischievous glint. Standing up she walked around the table and stood infront of him. "It's called a cinnamon bun. It's very sweet do you want to try it?" He nodded as her green eyes got closer. The other men looked on in curiosity. Each thinking there was more to their relationship then Eskel had told them. "Here." She said bringing a piece up to his mouth. He opened his slightly, she then quickly stuffed the piece in her own mouth and gave a cheeky grin. He groaned, knowing that once again he had fallen to her tricks. "You have two hands Eskel, I suggest you use them." She smirked taking her plate to the cleaning station behind him.
"Why must you always do that?" He said a slight blush to his face.
"Because you always fall for it." She called out. "A beautiful woman will be the death of you Eskel." Several of his brothers chuckled. Vesemir only shook his head.
"Lady Rowena while the rest eat I would like to show you something. Please follow me." The two walked in comfortable silence until they reached the ornate door. "This was his room, it's now yours if you wish it. The castle is your home just as much as it is ours."
She entered looking at the very Gryffindor styled room. She couldn't help but laugh. "I think I will use the room." She noticed one of the tapestries was adorned with a silver wolf, a black grim, stag and fawn the edge was filled with golden lilies. "Eskel told me what you told them last night about the work he was doing. If I could I would like to take a look and see if I can finish it."
Vesemir looked shocked. "You would continue his work?"
"In a heart beat." She smiled as her fingers ran over the tapestry.
"His private study is through those doors. I myself have never seen it." She led the way with him following behind. Floor length windows took up the farthest wall letting in the natural light. Shelves of books, spare parchment and potion ingredients were covered with dust on the shelves. With a flick of her wand the place was sparkling like it was new.
She quickly found the notes still laying out on the table.
"This would have never worked." She sighed. Vesemir looked defeated. "He was going about it the wrong way, he was trying to make Witchers invincible. This potion would have only worked temporarily, it would be great to have in a battle, but you need something that would last until death. Hearing, strength, speed, I know of potions that do those things to a temporary effect. Hmm this will take time. He didn't have access to the things that I do." She sent a grin Vesemirs way. They spent the rest of the day in the study/potion lab.
It wasn't until they noticed the sun setting that they realized just how long they had been. Walking back to the dining hall she realized just how badly the castle was in need of repair.
"It seems this place needs even more work then I thought." She ran her hands along the weathered walls.
'Lots of work indeed.'

Over the next four months the weather grew colder. She had spent the first month repairing the castle with her magic. The rooms near hers, she expanded them magically and placed her green houses inside. She had transfigured a ceiling in one of the towers and made it into her animal sanctuary. Magic really was a wonderful thing. She had many species of messenger birds, a couple of Phoenix, many types of magical snakes and other types of creatures that would shed scales or fur for potions. Even a couple of miniature dragons she had rescued, they had been kept in captivity for over 20 years, it had permanently stunted their growth. Now they were no bigger then a medium sized dog.
She had taken each medallion and reinforced the enchantments on them as well as turning them into emergency port keys. Code word was ice cream. Something that hadn't been invented in this world yet so none would accidentally say it. Each of the eleven men was fitted with new potions that would aid them as well a messenger hawk that would follow them. Soon Spring was upon them. Everyone was gathering their supplies before making their way to the dining hall to have one last meal before they left. They had a great morning feast.
Vesemir and Rowena however stood at the foot of the table an gathered everyone's attention. "Brothers! Once more you all set out to rid the world of evil. Rowena has one last gift to bestow on each of you."
"I have grown close to each of you in our time together, I never thought I would have a family once again." Vesemir carried a bunch of bundles and followed her down the tables. "I hope to see you all when winter come again, but until then I hope these will help you on your journeys." With each bundle she kissed each man on the forehead giving a mother's blessing. "Inside you will find rations that will never go bad, money, clothes and a medallion. You may go out now to rid the world of evil, but I ask that you bring back with you the next generation. Find a child, orphaned, abused, one that has the will to fight. Make them your apprentice and come next winter, they will start their training then. I will be looking forward to your arrival." Each nodded and headed out the doors. Vesemir walked them out, Rowena however could not bare to see them go and retired to her chambers.
As He stood watching his brothers in arms leave he could not help but wonder about the one that had not come home. Eskel seemed to be thinking the same.
"If I hear word, I will send a hawk. If I run into him I will try my best to get him to come home." He rested his hand on the older mans shoulder.
"Send word if you have it, but he will come home when he wants to or when he needs us. No mater how many times you ask he will always stubbornly refuse." With a nod only Vesemir and Rowena were left in the castle.

It took over a week for the two to get used to the silence. Vesemir was very surprised when one morning Rowena came down the stairs wearing trousers and a sword at her hip.
"I think I let myself get rusty enough." She said smirking. "Care for a spar."

Spring was almost over and Summer was approaching. She was very confident that her potion would work. It would enhance the body permanently, hearing, smell, eyesight. She managed to isolate those specific traits from cured werewolf saliva. Adding in Phoenix tears and dragons blood to increase the lifespan. There were many other ingredients but those three were the main ingredients. Vesemir was her first test subject. But they wouldn't know how it would work on someone who didn't have the Witcher serum in their system already. They wouldn't have to wait for long, Vartok had come back first with his apprentice. They had been making their way south when the boy got sick. Knowing they were close and her experience would work best, he rode hard to get them both to the castle. It took a few days for the boy to be back up to full health. Liam was the first to take the new serum. He slept for three days as his body adjusted to the changes. When he woke his eyes were a blue green, and he was just as strong as the boys were after their serum injections. They waited until Autumn to send word to the others, they could not see any negative side effects.

As winter approached the others all returned. Gwain surprised everyone by bringing a set of twins. Once again they were missing one of their number. The boys trained for five years straight before setting out with their teachers. Each one gaining their own coin when the tests were passed. It would take another 3 years before they would be ready to set off on their own.
She had become like a mother to the boys who had spent the last five years with her. Some were still to young to go out even with all their tests passed. But her magic was calling her again. She did not know where it would take her, but come spring she to would be heading out. The youngest boys were sad to see her go, but knew she would be back soon.

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