Episode 33: Next Stop, the Death Egg

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"I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog, a student on my path toward becoming a pro hero! Last time, Eggman revealed his new flying fortress and challenged me to come up there and stop him. Well, challenge accepted, Eggbreath. You might've knocked me down a peg before, but I get stronger every second! This time, you're going down Eggman!"

Picking up right from the last episode ended, Team Sonic hops on Momo's rocket and heads straight for Eggman's new flying fortress. Meanwhile, Eggman is checking up on Mina, who is currently locked in a cell.

Dr. Eggman: Hello there Miss Ashido! I hope you've been enjoying your flight with us so far! Hahahaha!

Mina: Rgh! Lock me up all you want, you're not gonna get away with this, Baldy McNosehair! My friends or the pros will come and bust me out! Just you wait!

Dr. Eggman: Oh my dear, I'm already getting away with it! You are simply the bait. It's the Hedgehog I'm after. I'm fully expecting him and his buddies to show up, try to rescue you, and thwart my plans, which is why this time I've come prepared!

At that moment, Metal Sonic steps out again.

Mina: Eep! M-M-Metal!

Metal Sonic glares at her coldly and says nothing.

Dr. Eggman: Hohoho! All I have to do is wait until-!

Just then, an intruder alert goes off.

Computer: Warning. Intruder detected in Robotnik Airspace.

Dr. Eggman: Speak of the devil!

Mina: Sonic?

Music Insert:

As Team Sonic approaches the massive ball of steel, they see ships and drones surrounding the fortress. The Egg Fleet has been unleashed and is guarding the Death Egg.

Kirishima: Looks like we're getting close!

Just then, Kaminari notices 2 Balkiry Badniks heading their way.

Kaminari: Guys, we've got incoming!

They veer the shuttle upwards to avoid the incoming Badniks, but they just barely miss.

Kaminari: Hold on, I got this!

He makes his finger into a gun, targets the Badniks, and fires a beam of electricity at them, causing them to short circuit and explode.

Kirishima: Nice one! *he notices more balkiries incoming* More Badniks! 12 o'clock!

Sonic: I got this one!

Sonic hops atop the rocket, revs up a spin dash, and launches himself at the Balkiries. He spins through three of them and lands on the fourth, steering it into another incoming badnik. He sends the aerial Badniks crashing into one another after leaping off of it and landing back on the rocket.

Kaminari and Kirishima: Alright Sonic!

Sonic winks and gives them a thumbs up then comes to a realization.

Sonic: Hey guys?

Kirishima: Yeah?

Sonic: Have either of you thought up a way for us to land this puppy?

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