Bittersweet: Six

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"If I bleed, you'll be the last to know."
- "Cruel Summer," Taylor Swift


"YOU sure you don't want to be roommates with me?" Charles asked as he was about to enter my bedroom. I looked up at him from my seat at the kitchen. I really had to be serious and start working on my paper works.

"Yes," I answered with a small nod. "I'm okay with the sofa. Plus, I work late at night. I don't want to disturb your sleep."

"You shouldn't work too much," he stated as he went inside the bedroom. "Remember, your health is still a priority."

I rolled my eyes playfully while looking at the slightly opened door. He loved reminding people to take breaks from work or, in my case that time, school. He used to do the same from before. Somehow, that didn't change.

My eyes went back to the screen glaring brightly towards me. It was a good thing that my vision already adjusted to the bright light from my laptop or even at my workplace desktop. It wasn't surprising, my work mostly revolved around staring at computers the whole day anyway.

I massaged the temples of my head. Afterwards, I laid my fingers on top of the keyboard. I took a quick glance at the time. It was just 9 P.M. With a sigh, my fingers began moving once again, dancing from letter to letter to string them into coherent sentences.

While I was typing, my mouth still tasted like what Charles and I had for dinner. It was another fastfood since I was really busy and I couldn't cook. Since I lived alone, I was used to just eating outside instead of cooking dinner. I would in very rare occasions. Gladly, this time, Charles didn't make a fuss about splitting the bill with me. He didn't suggest anything crazy to do, probably because he was already tired from singing a High School Musical medley from the three movies.

I wasn't used to having someone around the apartment. Ever since I decided to move out of my parent's house, I never had anyone over unless my siblings or my friends came. They would, of course, tell me beforehand that they're coming over. Nobody came unannounced.

This was a first and yet again, with Charles. Somehow, I was glad that it was with him not some random person.

My phone beeped from beside me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I stopped writing and saw that it was Hera who was calling. I pressed the green button and the loudspeaker button. Then I began typing again.

"Hey Hera," I greeted. "What's up?"

"Iris," Hera began. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm better, I'll go to work tomorrow," I answered, my gaze not leaving the screen. "Don't worry too much about me."

"I can't do that," she laughed. "Besides being your head, I'm also your friend. You know, the rest of us are worried about you too."

"Oh no," I muttered as I smiled to myself. "You guys are too nice."

"Well," she started. "We should be looking out for each other. We're no different to each other by now."

"You're right," I agreed. "I'm currently finishing the paper works."

"Alright. Make sure you don't overwork yourself," Hera reminded before hanging up. I stopped typing and leaned back at my chair. My back started hurting once more, but I got used to it over time. It wasn't a big deal anymore, unlike before I would put a lot of pain relief patches all over me. I guess my body became tolerant with the pain now.

Minutes went by. Soon after, hours went as well. I was done with most of my paperwork. More than half of the stacked papers were already on my bag because I considered them finished. I only had a few more left. However, my eyes couldn't take it anymore.

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