Bittersweet: Four

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"Wondering why we
Bothered with love
If it never lasts?"
- "Mine," Taylor Swift


THE sound of a loud thump woke me up immediately.

My eyes opened widely and sat up. Despite my vision being a bit blurry, I still knew who the culprit was. At the front of the bedroom stood none other than the devil himself, looking like he's lost or something while he caressed his right arm. One of his eyes was closed. His hair looked like a bird's nest. I assumed he hadn't seen me yet.

I rolled my eyes and silently stood up. He must've noticed my presence from his peripheral vision as he looked towards my direction. This time, both of his eyes were open, squinting towards me. Both of my arms were crossed against my chest with an expression that said "I'm going to kill you dumbass."

"Who are you?" he asked while still squinting towards me. "Where did you take me?"

I learned my lesson not to mess with Charles–and anyone else for that matter–when they're drunk. I wouldn't tell him the same thing I told him last night. Sure, his logical sense must be working properly right now, but it didn't mean that he would still get the joke.

I took a deep breath and answered, "You're at my apartment."

My head was still aching from last night's events. I decided to make myself some coffee and probably make him one if he behaved accordingly. I walked pass by him and muttered the word, "dummy."

As I reached the cupboards where most of my containers were, I heard footsteps from behind me. They were getting nearer as I tried reaching for the coffee container pushed at the back of the cupboard. Suddenly, I sensed him beside me and his tall frame. He effortlessly grabbed the coffee container and handed it to me.

I turned towards him and grabbed the coffee container. Afterwards, I moved away instantly. I didn't like to be near him as much as he probably didn't want to either. After placing the coffee container at the kitchen table, I grabbed two mugs from another cupboard, this time it's reachable. When I came back to the table, Charles was sitting at one of the chairs, his hand massaging his forehead.

When he probably heard me placed the mugs at the table, he spoke, "I know who you are now."

I chuckled as I poured the instant coffee at the mugs, "You don't have to remember me. Just know that you are in my apartment and I'm taking you to your friends later."

At this, his head shot up towards me. I saw him winced in pain, probably from the hangover headache. From the look he's giving me, he probably didn't like the idea of me taking him to his friends. I suddenly remembered Theo also said Charles didn't want to.

"Please don't," he pleaded. "Not yet, at least. Look at me, I'm messed up. They can't see me like that."

"I should've taken a footage of you speaking old English to me at the car last night then and send it to them," I joked as I poured hot water from the thermostat. "That was comedic cold, man."

"You aren't mad at me?" he asked quietly. I wasn't looking at him this time. My eyes were focused at the coffee I was making. The aroma of the coffee scattered throughout the room. Just by smelling it, my whole system were starting to completely wake up.

I handed Charles the steaming cup of coffee and answered, "That depends."

Sipping my coffee, I moved passed by him towards the sofa. I laid the cup at a nearby table and started folding the blanket I used. I laid it on top the pillows I formerly used too. I would probably be sleeping here tonight as well. The devil didn't want to leave yet.

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