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Did you know you are a detective?

All of you, really. 

And of the many animal forms that roam in this world, you are one of the few that is instinctually driven to investigate, and also capable of supressing your instincts.

I hope the irony of your own abilities is not lost on you.

Let me tell you about something I find fascinating - Morbid curiosity.
Yes, this feeling that compels you to look upon a crash, to glance upon your dead fellow humans at some distance. Disgusting, and yet, you are drawn nonetheless. Why?

Because it taught you to survive. It improved upon the collective machine of your species. 

Crows, I'm told, do the same. We observe our fallen kin not drawn out of some unexplicable fascination, but because we may garner the clues that led to their demise, and in turn, how we could avoid it ourselves. It's detective work, if I'm being frank. 

Of course, you humans strive to diversify. While some might thrive and indulge in their instinctual drive to understand death, some others attempt to deliberately separate themselves, their role in the larger group. Some of you do not attempt it at all, you are wired to do so. 

This leads me to the next statement:

You are also not all detectives. 

For a group to achieve any level of complexity, it must encapsulate different, sometimes contrasting and opposite elements. A balance is born from the tension between the components. Much as you would dream for a society without murder, war, greed and malice, nature does not permit it. 

Your survival depends on the struggle that any opposition brings.

Without opposition, you will lose complexity. You will devolve. You must be challenged by the threats that appear in all levels of your being in order to ensure the quality of your organism.
You might be irate, you might think these words are wrong and such a world is unfair and unlikely. You might think a greater force would not permit it, divine, arcane, intransigent or otherwise. 

Or you might agree.

Or you might be willing to discuss some points and argue on another. 

One way or another, you will play your part. You tip the balance in a direction, and others will tip in another. Discuss and concede, berate and adapt. 

Your actions contribute to a necessary ecosystem of thought. Without it, neither you nor your opposition will grow. You will become a clue for another detective.

This is not exlusive of humans. The entirety of what we understand of reality depends on forces crashing against another, being pulled, converted, swayed and thrown. Order born from chaos. You can perceive it to the cosmic level, and you can perceive it to your human level. On animals, yes, on viruses and bacteria, on foreigners and immigrants. Diversity makes you stronger, it makes you wiser.

Here's a head-scratcher:What doesn't kill, can make you weaker. And that is necessary to make you stronger. 

Even if what you perceive to be your life is coming to an end, you are not finished. Yes, the unique organism that you are is going to perish, but what you have done will reverberate in the larger fabric that follows after you. Family, friends, co-workers, and their respective clusters. Circumstance and context will mute or amplify the event - as it is said, some go with a bang, and others with a whimper, but ultimately, it will not be an isolated incident. Even cold and numeric data adds to the understanding of reality, and if not by you, it will by the next detective in the line. 

This is for whom the bells toll - they toll for thee. 

You, alive organism, is the one that is informed of another departure, another statistic, another event. A galaxy has departed your universe, one moon flies astray, one sun grows dark. An array of information and services is lost to the cosmic balance, lose too many of the same and the cosmic platter from where you stand will fall into oblivion. 

Ultimate oblivion? That's a matter of scale. 

One person, one city, one world. They are all hanging in a constant balance, existing on a line. Sometimes thin, sometimes thicker. 

Do not worry if you do not understand. Not everybody is meant to.Not everybody gets to be a detective, and that's for the best. 

Balance hangs according to necessity. The rules of the market also serve as the rules of the disciplines - supply and demand. Sometimes you need more opposition, sometimes you need more support. Too many of anything will inevitably starve another entity, a sector, a culture, a species. Without variety, chaos will swallow order once again into its matrix, where it will churn and thrash until it is ready to regurgitate it out again. 

But the order that comes out will not be the one that you used to know. 

And you will be long gone when that happens. Perhaps then, something else will come along to observe your remains, drawn by morbid curiosity of what terminated your cycle.

Detectives, no doubt, hard at work. 

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