chapter fifteen

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Rrrringgg. Rrrringggg. The phone rang disturbing Jenny . "Hello!",her sleepy voice answered.

"Jenny ! Did I wake you?". It was Blake.

"Its okay . What's up Blake? Is something wrong ?", she asked trying to hide her happiness for hearing his voice eventhough its 4a.m. morning.

"I know its early, but i cant wait to tell you the news. The police nearly finished investigating the robbery and found out an involvement of one of the guests. They, with the co-operation of the bureau, had access to the guest list. After reviewing it for severeal times as well as questioning some of the guests , they concluded that two people disappeared during the party with no alleby. These two suspects are Matt and the maid. As for the maid , she has vanished and the police are looking for her."

A queer silence took place for a moment . Maybe both of them didnot know what to say to eachother. Finally Jenny broke the ice and said:"Thats great . It means the case is approaching its end." What a stupid thing to say , but she couldnot think of anything else. Hesitation took over Blake , but then he recovered himself and asked her the inevitable question:"Are you sure you wanna still go through this . It has taken dangerous ends ?".

"Absolutely . I wont withdraw now ". Her tone seemed so confident and brave . It didnot reflect her true self . On the contrary , deep in her heart she was afraid of the consequences. She was still holding the phone when a womanly voice came from afar calling Blake . He got perplexed and finished the conversation in a hurry promising that they would talk later. Jenny was still . She gazed at the phone in her hand . What in the name of God did he think of her ? He was defenitely not in love with her . Why was she the one to suffer ? She couldnot understand . Probably he was nuzzling against Stella feeling loved while she sat here alone cursing fate for crossing her life line with Blake's. Aggravation,annoyance ,bitterness, contempt,envy and jealousy all described what she was feeling at that instant.

She couldnot go to sleep any longer . She decided to raise from bed and make herself a warm mug of nescafe . She drank her coffee while she stood by the window in her room watching the sunrise . Its a beautiful view . The sunrise was a breathtaking display of radiant colours. Bright streaks of red ,pink, and orange slowly overcame the dark blue and purple of the twilight sky. The sky resembled a prism;all the colours blended perfectly into eachother. The sun itself was just peaking out of the horizon and its brilliant rays already shined brightly and began to warm the air. Jenny marvelled at the glistening reflection of the sun on the ocean and a thrilling feeling of awe swept over her.

At this romantic moment , when Jenny was feeling the oneness with nature, the phone rang again waking her from her dellusional dreams. Oh God , she thought , who can it be other than Blake. She was disappointed as soon as she heard the stranger's poor English .

"Sēnorita Cord!"

"Yes , i mean si",she replied in Spanish thinking that her speaker may not fully understand her . She learned from him that he was a policeman and was charged to inform her that Blake O'neil was waiting for her at the bay due to urgent matters. She would be meeting him on board of "CARLOTTA". She left her room in such a haste that she didnot bother to tell anyone of her whereabouts. She stopped a cab and headed towards the bay. While she was in the cab , many questions appeared in her mind ; why didn't Blake inform her personally? Was it because he was busy ?. Sarcastically she thought of how busy he would be with Stella.... why did he choose a yacht for their meeting ? It was strange but at the same time clever because no one would think of that . A secret meeting in a public place . She felt relaxed at that idea and tried to convince her tired mind that it was so much like Blake. She arrived at the bay and started to look for the Carlotta. At last she found it.

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