chapter fourteen

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The crowds started murmering and mumbling .

"Be calm everyone ! Dont you worry. Its an electric fault and we will tend to it as quick as possible". Sēnor Banez was trying to calm the guests. In half an hour ,the lights were on again banishing away the feelings of darkness , panic and disturbance that were prevailing .

Suddenly a sharp scream shot through the stillness of the night . Everybody tried to locate the source of the shattering scream . It came from the drawing room.

Sēnor Banez ,accompanied by Stella and Jenny ,hurried towarda the room. Sēnorita Banez was collapsed on a red velvet bench. She was knocked unconsiously , and her maid was running hysterically through the room sputtering foolish words.

"Call the doctor !!", someone cried . Another person asked what was going on.

"The sēnorita's pearl necklace has been stolen",explained the maid. Blake ,with his badge high in his palm ,made his way through the guests and announced that the police would handle the matter . He grabbed Jenny's arm and ordered her to return to the hotel. Jenny didnot argue this time . After what happened during the party , indeed she welcomed a time of peace and rest. "Are you going to be okay?". "Yes sure. Dont worry. I will pass by you when I get the chance", he said  as he pushed her with haste towards the door. She was worried about him . She waved goodbye reluctantly and walked out towards the garden of the mansion. She saw Matt in the car waving for her to join him . He offered to drive her back to the hotel. She agreed hesitantly. She prefered to go alone , but after all he was her date. And where had he been all this time . As if he disappeared in the party. She was thinking about asking him but she would not want to show her curiousity and therefore expose herself.

At the hotel reception , Matt suggested to take a drink with her at her room. First she refused , but his persistence in asking made her question his motives. So she changed her mind and accepted his offer. He was never that persistent , why now?. They ordered two soft drinks and chatted about the party.

"I hope that they will find the necklace , i wonder how the sēnorita lost it . It seems so precious ",Jenny commened as she was studying Matt's expressions. He made no sign of sympathy. Instead he rose up calmly and asked to be excused to the bathroom. A few minutes later , he got out of the bathroom and told Jenny he could stay no longer because he remembered some late errand that needed to be tended. Jenny felt astonished at his inexplainable behaviour but she said nothing. She escorted  him to the door and wished him a pleasant night. Instantly after he left , her thoughts travelled back to Blake. Why he did not call her ? Was he busy? Did he forget? Thousands of questions popped in her head until sleep prevailed and her tired eyes closed into an ethereal slumber.

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