The date... I mean ummm hanging out

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I walk down the street to the canal. I remember his scent. God he smelled so good. Like a forest after a rain. He smelled like a freshly cut meadow. Like Autumn and spring in a mix. So dark and rainy but also fresh and light. I want to be so close again. I want to smell it again. Wait. What am I thinking? I don't care if I'm close to him or not. He just smelled good. It is totally normal to find someone's scent nice. I quickly pick up my speed and walk to the canal. Hm seems like Elliot isn't here yet. I stand on the edge of the canal and look at the water. It's a light blue since the sun is shining a lot. Some boats pass by.

My eyes suddenly see a boat that I know pretty well. How could I ever forget that old dark wood and those beautiful little circles, flowers and birds. I raise my head looking into the smiling face of my old friend. "Hey David" I say to the nice man on the boat. "Oh hey Leo haven't seen you in a while. How are you?" I smile, happy to see him. His full name is David Rossi and he often used to visit our family when I was younger. He knows a lot about criminal Psychology and is in general pretty smart. I remember how often he helped me with my homework or btaught me how to make a profile of a person. He has dark black hair and a funny beard. It's grey and black. You can see he is slowly getting old but that doesn't mean he is getting dumb or loses his sense of humor.

"I'm good and you? How is work?" He sighs and I can see his eyebrows furrow a bit. "Well it's not always that good. I mean we work with murders. But I'm in a new really interesting team and they seem to be pretty good. I'm doing good so far. But enough about me. How's Francesca doing? She is studying Art right?" I nod. "She is really happy to finally study art. As you probably remember it was always her big dream. She even met someone. They seem to be pretty close." His face lights up. He always supported Franca with her dream. "I'm glad that she is finally living her dream. And about that someone she is with. If they treat her bad just call me. I have connections to some... people." He winks and laughs his usual rusty but soft laugh. I laugh as well, glad that I wouldn't have to be the someone going to jail for a murder.

"But what are you doing here Leo?" I remember why I'm here and immediately blush a bit. I feel myself getting nervous and excited. But I keep a calm face. Even though David probably noticed already. "Well ummm I'm meeting someone. A new boy moved here and I'm showing him the city." I try to give him a normal smile. He nods with a little knowing grin on his lips. This damn profilers. You can't hide anything from them. He definitely noticed. "Oh okay. Interesting. I have to go now. Have fun with that new boy." He winks and drives away. I really need to control myself better. Whatever those damn feelings are no one is allowed to notice.

Suddenly I feel someone directly behind me. A hot breath on my neck which makes my whole body shiver. His presence is so close he is only a few centimeters away. And there it is. His scent. Before I can even realize what's going on Elliot whispers with his angelic but deep voice "Hey Leo" in my ear. I'm unable to move as I feel little butterflies in my stomach. Fuck. He is so close. I want to feel his lips on my neck. I want him to kiss it. My mind is completely blank. I try to speak. "E-elliot?" I turn around seeing him with a smirk. The same smirk as yesterday. As If he knew exactly what effect he has on me. I back away a bit with a flustered face. I'm probably as red as a tomato. My face is completely heated up. I look at Elliot and he laughs innocently. "I just wanted to scare you a bit. Seems like it worked exactly how I planned." I try to not get even more flustered. Even though I don't think that's possible. I laugh a bit too. But it's obvious how nervous I am. God damn what's with this boy that he does this to me? I shouldn't feel like this... I am into girls. Only girls.

"Y-yeah you scared me. But only because I was lost in my thoughts." He smiles. "Yeah sure. Want to go then? I'm so excited!" His eyes have this adorable sparkle again. I smile softly and nod. "Yeah let's go" I start to walk in one direction and Elliot walks beside me. "So where are we going?" He looks at me so excited and I decide to be a bit mean. "That's a surprise" "That's mean. Come on, tell me." I laugh as I see him like a little kid that can't wait to see his birthday present. It's hard to resist his puppy eyes. "Nope."

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