Getting ready for the date... umm i mean meeting as friends ofc😗😅

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I walk into my room and take off my shirt. I look into the mirror. A 19 years old boy with light brown hair. It's a bit curly, well others would probably just call it wavy but THOSE ARE CURLS. My eyes are a dark blue. They are similar to Francas but more like a dark blue Ocean. My mom always said she is the soft and gentle part of the ocean that's light green and blue and I am the stormy and strong dark blue part of the ocean. I smile a bit remembering those times. I'm pretty trained because I've been training since I was fifteen. I love going to the gym because I can just let everything out. All the energy and all the emotions and i can forget about all my problems for a few hours. I am also not that short, I mean yes only 1.75 but that's not too short. I have a cocky smile that perfectly shows my white teeth. I am so thankful my parents always made me brush my teeth so now they shine white. I have little liver spots in my face and down my neck which i definitely love. Especially the one on my neck makes it look even more maskulin. I don't have a bad tan, it's similar to my sisters tan and most people are jealous of that. My hands are pretty strong and veiny. For some reasons girls are SO into veins on your hands and arms. I sometimes do flex with them to make the girls fall for me. The girls always liked me. It was easy to get who I want.
But a boy... no. Why would a boy be attracted to me? Elliot isn't into me anyway. Why do I care? God, he walks into my life and everything is messed up. Jesus.

I take off the rest of my clothes and put on my pyjama which is just a comfortable T-shirt and my boxers. I lay down in bed on my back. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Elliot is just a normal boy nothing else. I feel the the softness of my bed on my back and feel all my muscles slowly relax. Mmmmmm that feels so good, seems like my back was pretty tense. The warmth of my bed slowly guides me to sleep as I try to forget about what happened today.

I wake up the next day. I sit up and yawn as I stretch a bit. Hm I should probably take a shower. I head into the bathroom and take off my Pyjama. My bathroom isn't that big but I like it. The walls are white and the floor is a nice dark brown which is a perfect match. The shower looks so luxury even though it's just a normal one. I have two mirrors. One is standing on the floor and barely reaches my stomach so I can only see my body and outfit in it. That's actually kinda nice to see if my outfit looks good. Of course for some special photos it's good as well ;). The other one is hanging on the wall over the sink. I use it when I wash my face, do my hair and stuff like that.
I give myself a confident smile in the mirror and then get into the shower and put on the water. I stand there a few minutes with my eyes closed as the cold water runs over my body. Tomorrow I have school again. I sigh. All those annoying people... All they do is bully. Some of them are so stressed to have good grades they don't sleep at all. Others have such abusive and mean parents they are cutting and wanting to die. And some lost all hope and just gave up in school... What has this world become? A mean and cold place. People disgust me. All this anger and the sadness... I chuckle looking at my thighs. What has this world done to me? All this shouldn't happen to a teenage boy... I try to remember when it started but I can't. I let out another sigh. I shouldn't think about this so much.

I grab a white towel from the holder, wrap it around my waist and get out of the shower. My body is dripping wet and I immediately start feeling cold. Jesus uts cold as hell in here. My whole body is shivering so I quickly dry my body and my hair with the towel. Then I put on my clothes. A black shirt that shows my muscles pretty good and a blue jeans. Do I want to look good for him? Yeah... no. Definitely not. It's just popular places where a lot of cute girls will be. I smirk confidently as I think about the way the girls always stare at me. That's gonna be so much fun.

I go into the kitchen and see a plate and a half filled coffee cup on the table. I smile knowing that Francesca forgot to put it away. Again. That is so typical. I put both into the dishwasher and make a coffee for me. My coffee is always strong and it helps me to really wake up. I mean I've always been a morning person so I never had problems with getting up or being sleepy in the morning but still. I drink it while eating a sandwich. I pack a bag pack for the day. I hope I don't ruin the day by saying something stupid. Or doing anything stupid. What if Elliot doesn't like the places I want to show him? I quickly shake my head. Who cares? It's just a normal day as friends. I grab my bag and walk out the door.

 I grab my bag and walk out the door

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Okay so that's the next chapter I hope you liked it

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Okay so that's the next chapter I hope you liked it. I know it's again not the longest but it's just the beginning so the next chapter will be really long. I also want to say thank you to my friends for helping me out with ideas. So thanks Torben, Oli, Zeynep, Sofia, Kira. Selina, Yuna, Paula, Theo and everyone else who helped me out. I'll post the next chapter tomorrow or maybe even later I'll see. And above you see how Leo looks like (yes I know he is hot af😩)

A Love Story in Venice Where stories live. Discover now