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The cafeteria area beacme very busy when the clock hit 12'o clock. Most of the students are on break this time on Tuesday.

The second day till now, wasn't that eventful for Yutang.
Yutang walked to the cafeteria alone leisurely but he could feel many eyes watching him. He was uncomfortable at the attention but could not do anything since he was the only transfer student of second year, which made him stand out.

He saw his seat mate entering the cafeteria and looking for someone which was probably him. So Yutang avoided him skillfully and went alone to get his food.

His seat mate went to sit with a group, and they were talking loudly.
Yutang was relieved. " Thank God,he won't pester me anymore. " He thought of going somewhere alone to eat.

But then he again sighed. Because if he wants to exit the cafeteria, he has to walk beside their table and pass them. He turned back to get his food.

Zhan Zhao came to the group who were talking very loudly , Lee Jung was also ome of them, who was known as an infamous rouge in the campus. But after the game started he was quite put on a check. Zhan Zhao stood nervously as Lee Jung listed out all the things he wanted to eat.

Zhan Zhao listened attentively and then became ready to go when he heard Lee Jung speak, "you have 5 minutes to come back. Also don't trip on your own and fall like that other time. "

Zhan Zhao shook his head, very embarrassed. But he told in his mind that, "I didn't trip by myself! Your friend was the one who made me loose my balance! "

He quickly got all the orders those boys wanted and he kept checking if he got everything right or not. So he again fell into the same trap twice. Another guy of that group was sitting two chairs apart to trip him.

As soon as Zhan Zhao came, that guy mischievously stretched his leg out and Zhan Zhao again became unsturdy since his boths hands were full as he struggled to hold all the items he was holding intact.

He squeaked and was falling hard on the floor when a strong arm wrapped his waist with enough force and Zhan Zhao became motionless.

It seems like Yutang was walking with his food towards him, when he saw Zhan Zhao falling so he catched him on reflex, one hand held Zhan Zhao perfectly and another hand held his food.

Zhan Zhao's eyes were close from the impact but when he felt like he didn't fall down he opened one of his eyes to see Yutang looking at him with unreadable gaze.

Zhan Zhao quickly stood up to face Yutang, flushing a little.
"Be careful. " Yutang said before he walked out as if nothing happened.

In all the commotion, Yutang's seat mate Min Hoon actually forgot to call out Yutang. So when he saw Yutang's retreating figure he shouted, "hey Yutang! "
But Yutang walked away as if he did not hear, only his walking pace was faster.
"Damn rejected. " Lee Jung smirked as he took all the things from Zhan Zhao hauntingly. "What does he think of himself? "

One of the guys beside Lee Jung laughed, "King probably".

Min Hoon said, " I don't know about that but your girlfriend seemed interested in him. She came to give him chocolate and he accepted it happily. I saw it with my own eyes! "

Lee Jung was speechless. He felt anger building in him as he cursed inaudibly. Then he had a devilish grin on his face and said, "Seems like we need to tell him his place. " and he cracked his knuckles feeling excited.

Yutang was wandering around thinking where should he eat, but he already started to drink his strawberry milkshake. Then he heard some running steps behind him and found Zhan Zhao chasing him.

He was stunned and he stopped. He let the other catch his breathe when he arrived. It seemed like Zhan Zhao doesn't have a very good physical condition even though he is used to running around.
Yutang asked, "What is it? You are not gonna shout that i am handsome again right? "

Zhna Zhao blushed and he shook his head, "I just came to tell you to be careful! I can't say anymore! "

He said and again turned to run away.

"Huh? " Yutang stood there amused.

There was still 15 minutes left, for the gym class to start.
Hearing that, Yutang quickly came back to the classroom where everyone left their bag, to put his gym clothes on.

As soon as he pulled the chain of his bag, he heard a clicking noise. He turned and saw three boys standing there. One of them locked the door quietly.

Yutang saw that these are the same poeple who were shouting and disturbing the class and of course, bullying Zhan Zhao.

He cocked his eyebrows and tilted his head feigning surprise, "Yo? What can i do for you? "

"You bastard! You are hitting on my girlfriend?! How dare you? " The seemingly leader of that small crowd shouted who was known for his bad temper, Lee Jung.

Now Yutang was more confused, "Your girlfriend? Which one? "
He asked as if he doesn't even care and that provoked other more.

"You!! Don't mess with me! How dare you take chocolate from my girlfriend? " That Lee Jung guy shouted.

Yutang can't help but laugh, "if she is your girlfriend, then why was she giving chocolate to me? "
Lee Jung fumed in anger.
Yutang rolled his eyes and said, "Look brother. I don't want any quarrel. I was craving for something sweet and co incidentally she came to give me some chocolate that time. So I just accepted it. I am sorry but i don't even remember her face, let alone hitting on her. "

Lee Jung smacked his lips, "Well you have already caused enough trouble. " He said and pointed to one of the lanky guy beside him. That guys instantly charged towards Yutang.

Yutang sighed deeply. He easily avoided the fist thrown towards him and passed his attacker with a fluent movement. Then he kicked on his calves hard, before letting the other person turn. The boy stooped down in the floor holding his leg in immense pain.

"You will be alright in 10 minutes. Don't overreact. " Yutang said to that crying boy.

The other two boys were standing in shock. Yutang clicked his tongue, not wanting to waste anymore tim, he flashed towards them who were standing in a daze. He held each arm of both person and twisted them simultaneously. Both of them cried out in pain. Before they could even react, Yutang again hit the joint of their shoulder with precision and they were unable to feel their hand s for 2 solid minutes.

Lee Jung stared at his own hand, feeling like nothing was there, started to panic. Yutang again said annoyed, "It will be fine in 5 minutes. You will be able to use your hand again properly afer 15 minutes. Now get out of my way. "

Saying that he grabbed his gym shirt and unlocked the door and went out as of nothing happened.

Three boys were rolling on the floor.

That time, no ome noticed a phone recording everything from outside the class. Even though the door was locked, the half of the door is actually glass. The reason why those three idiots locked the door was not to hide anything but so that Yutang doesn't escape. But who knew that things will turn this way.

The guy who was recording the whole incident laughed to themselves. He sent it to someone which was seem immediately. Then he ringed that person and said,

"Whoa! Did you see this new guy? Is he some peerless master of martial art or what? "

The voice chuckled across the phone. "I knew it. He felt like an oddball to me. He will be quite interesting. "

"No wonder, you let these idiots attack him. You never approved beating up as a dare ever before, king. " The person laughed.

"I will assess this person myself. Hands off him. " The voice came through the phone. "And post this video of him beating up somewhere so that it spreads quickly. "

"Got that. But really, what the heck is he? He easily beat three people as if nothing. " The recorder guy said amazed.

"A variable. " The voice answered and the call got cut.

See you later!
Please look forward!!

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