2. candy troubles

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"Wake up, Ness!" The sixteen-year-old girl heard Ginny's excited voice and lazily opened one of her eyes. The room was dimly lit and Nessie could barely see Hermione walking all around the room, looking for some new clothes to change into.

The older girl sighed and rubbed her eyes, feeling them burn after a while, so she stopped. Nessie sat up on her bed and slowly made her way to the bathroom where she saw Ron brushing his teeth, barely awake.

"Good morning." The girl mumbled as she reached the sink, taking her toothbrush and squeezing some toothpaste onto it, brushing her teeth, shoulder to shoulder with Ron. After a few minutes, the girl was done, so after she washed her mouth, she looked to her side, where she saw Ron with closed eyes, arms by his sides, and the toothbrush ready to fall from his mouth.

"Wake up, Ron!" Nessie mumbled, taking the toothbrush from his mouth and shaking his shoulder. The boy jerked awake and looked around. When his eyes met Nessie's she passed him his toothbrush back and left with a wave.

Nessie walked back to Ginny's room and opened her trunk, looking for clothes. She decided to wear a pair of black jeans, a yellow shirt, and a zip-up hoodie. The girl walked downstairs and into the kitchen of the Burrow, greeting Mr and Mrs Weasley in the process.

"Good morning, dear! Are you excited?" Molly asked as she was making breakfast. The girl nodded with a sleepy smile on her face and rested her head on her arms. "Yeah! I still can't believe we're going to the Quidditch World Cup!" The young girl mumbled with a smile, making Arthur laugh.

The girl got up to help set the table and conversed with her best friends' parents as their mother was making wonders by the stove

After a while, breakfast was ready and the Twins, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione all came down to the kitchen, sitting around the table.

" 'Morning!" Harry mumbled tiredly and Nessie gave him a lazy smile as she began pushing her food around, as it was too hot to eat now.

The Weasleys engaged in a light conversation as they had breakfast. The older girl silently ate, and when she was done, she stood up to put her dishes in the sink. Nessie walked back to her seat and continued to listen to Arthur talking about a new accident in the Ministry.

"Kids, are we all ready?" Arthur's voice boomed through the house. Nessie, Fred, and George were currently in Ron's room, as Bill and Charlie were sleeping in the twins'. The twins were currently trying to convince the girl to shove some of their candies in her pockets, bag, wherever she could find space.

"Come on, please! Merlin knows what mum would do if she found them on us! She won't suspect you!" Fred pleaded, shoving a few bags of joke candies in the pockets of her jeans and jacket, making the girl glare at the two twins in front of her. George had a pleading look on his face, while Fred was ready to magically make more pockets on the girl's outfit so he could fit more stuff.

Nessie groaned in frustration, sighed afterwards, but took the bags of candies from Fred's hands and shoved them in her backpack. "If I get yelled at, I didn't know that you did it!" she frowned as she zipped her bag close and put it back around her shoulders.

The three walked downstairs, the twins sporting big grins on their faces, proud of their great thinking. The others were waiting by the door, smiling at the twins and Nessie as they came in sight.

"Bye, dear! Have fun!" Molly said, hugging the girl with a smile. Nessie returned the gesture, wrapping her arms around the woman before she pulled away and smiled at Molly.

"George," Mrs Weasley began, making the twins and their best friend freeze in place. "What's in your pocket?" Nessie shared a look with Fred, already knowing that Molly Weasley wouldn't leave it at just that.

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