Booze, Body Odor, and Blood

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It had been almost a week since I was visited by Zack. He folded the blankets, fixed the pillows, and left before I woke up.

I was right about one thing, however. It was in fact the adrenaline keeping me going. That morning, when the reality of the situation hit me, I cried. A lot. And considering calling the police, but I figured there was no point. I would sound hopelessly insane, there was no signs of forced entry, no blood, no property damage, and I was left in peak physical condition.

'Besides,' I remember trying to convince myself, 'that was the end of it. I helped him out and I'll never see him again.'

I was wrong, of course.

I was sore and tired and hungry, but alas there is no rest for the under-paid. When I wasn't in class I was working at the nice restaurant uptown. It was a bit of a drive, but it paid well enough, and most people tipped good.

There was one thing I absolutely despised about this job, though. And that would be that there was a bar. People would come in with their friends after work, get drunk off their asses, and treat the staff like shit.

On this particular night, there was a well-off looking business man, who was demanding that he was served before anyone else. This wouldn't have been a major issue if it wasn't for the fact that it was packed and there were only three people on duty.

Shit really started to hit the fan when he started demanding that we continue to serve him long after we had cut him and his buddies off.

"I'm sorry sir, but we can't do that," Felicity was desperately trying to explain to him that even if we wanted to serve him, we couldn't, "it's the law."

Felicity was a kind young woman who had inherited the restaurant from her late father. She had been a close friend of mine in high school and offered me the job offer as soon as she started running it.

"To hell with the law!" The man yelled, and his friends all drunkenly cheered, " Tell ya what, I'll... I'll pay ya double what I owe ya."

The dumbass couldn't even speak properly, constantly trailing off like he was about to fall asleep. It was a miracle he was still upright.

"Sir, I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave," I could see she was growing impatient, but she stayed calm.

The man abruptly stopped and sighed, "Alright, alright, but I think I'll need help gettin' out to call a cab."

Felicity pursed her lips into a thin line as she turned to me, "Do you think you could take him out, since you're heading out already?"

I stopped to think about it, this was not a good idea. Felicity grew up in a very nice neighborhood, with little to no trouble at all, so it didn't surprise me that she didn't see this the way I did. She saw the best in everybody, and that put her at a disadvantage sometimes.

Against my better judgement, I nodded. She does a lot for me, taking this asshole off her hands was the least I could do. Besides, I carried pepper spray in the small bag I took back and forth to work with me, "Yeah, see you tomorrow."

The man laid his arm around my shoulder, he reeked of booze and B.O.

After what seemed like ages we made it to what I could only assume was his car

"Would ya be a dear and get my phone out of the backseat. It's in the black bag."

He supported himself on a nearby lamp post as he dug the keys out of his pocket and unlocked his vehicle.

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