Tricks And Loses

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Lynx looked terrifying, I have never had to fight something as big as THIS.

but in all seriousness, how could someone that little transform into this beast?

" Sharkboy come on! " Mysery hissed

Don't get me wrong, there was no way in hell I was ever gonna trust Mystery with my life..

And it's sad to say I even had a little crush on her at some point...

But I was not going to miss this beautiful opportunity to avenge Lavagirl.

Before I even blinked, I could see Mystery jump on his stomach and take a quick bite out of him.

" mystery look out! " his paw had grabbed on to her raising her up.

Before he threw her I managed to launch onto his arm and break it, I just heard a huge crack as he released Mystery and we both fell.

But I think healing would be a problem if he was like Mystery.


How was this...

" L-Lynx?? " I said standing directly in front of Lavagirl.

Lavagirl gasped.

" WHAT?? " she screamed

Lavagirl tried to run back in Sharkboys direction but I tightened her grip.

" well well well " Lynx said clapping

" look what the volcanos erupted " he said directing at Lavagirl.

" Wh...what...what do you want?? " Lavagirl made out.

Lynx super sped to Lavagirl knocking me to the ground while he held her neck. This happened in a split second.

" What do you think? " he said smiling growing his teeth to a point.

" LAVAGIRL!!" I screamed before pushing Lynx on the floor

" RUN LAVAGIRL RUN " I screamed at her while holding Lynx down, I couldn't fight a werewolf, but I could slow one down.

Lynx relaxed and said looking me in the eye " I'm going to have a lot of fun with her, too bad Sharky diden't realise her full potential "

" what? " I said confused.

he flipped me over making me fall on my back in pain.

I was falling unconscious

" NO NO LET ME GO, HELP!!!!! " I heard muffly coming from Lavagirl.

The last thing I could see before blacking out was Lavagirl over Lynxs shoulders banging on his back.

I could've saved her, but I failed.

My last thought was, who were Sharkboy and Mystery fighting?


" AHHHHHHH " we both stampeded towards the werewolf

I had managed to fly kick the wolf making him fall backwards, so he would have no time to realise Sharkboy had backflipped onto his neck, pounding him several times.

We worked really well as a team.

For the brief five seconds Lynx was on the floor, side by side, me and Sharky looked at eachother.

My face was covered in blood, and Sharkboys arms and legs too.

" I'm....sorry Sharkboy for this. " I said looking down.

" .....Mystery... " is what I heard him say before the wolf launched himself on to me making me fall backwards.

" You should have not come " I heard the husky voice growl at me

He was so heavy I couldn't release his grip, so I stopped trying and made my face go right up to him " that's why I'm not alone " I said smiling.

Sharkboy launched himself on the wolf making him fall away from me, so it would be easier to do the next part.

Sharkboy knew this as he saw me walking slowly towards the wolf, so Sharkboy stood back as I put myself on top of the Lynx who was on his back.

I ripped out both his arms and drank every ounce of blood from each.

The wolf was growling in pain but I dident care, and neither did Sharkboy.


It really wasn't easy watching her do that, but honestly I had as much sympathy for Lynx as I did for Mystery.

I was only co-operating to kill Lynx.

And she knew this.

So I turned away and started walking casually to start finding Lavagirl so we can for fill our plan.

Mystery had finished, I could tell because she called my name.

" Sharky...."

" yes? " I said not turning around.

" This is not Lynx "

I paused in my tracks.

"What?? " I turned around slowly

" it's not a half moon anymore that's why! "

When I got to the wolf it was human again, but it was a boy with a black fringe and green eyes, who looked completely unharmed.

" HOW COULD YOU MAKE THAT MISTAKE?? " I pushed her shoulder.

I started running.

" Where are you going???? " Mystery shouted

" to find Lavagirl!! She must be in trouble!! "

" But you can't do that!!!! " She desperately screamed.

" WHY NOT?? " I said really annoyed.

But when I turned around, that boy was standing up and had pushed Mystery on the floor. I heard a huge crack come from her head, she was unconscious.

Something snapped.

I ran up to the boy so fast he couldn't see me in time before I snapped his neck, killing him.

He was just a setup, to buy Lynx time.

I knew Lavagirl was in danger now..but what should I do with Mystery?

I shook the thought from my head and started running, but I kept thinking of when she saved me from the scorpions, and then Lynx's lair, and then saved Lavagirl twice, and then caught me before I died from the volcano, and then saved me and Lavagirl from the wolf....

She has done a lot for me, I guess more than I realised. I have treated her like a jerk I guess..

But when I looked back at mystery who was laying on her side with her eyes closed, I couldn't help but think of how much she wanted to be human...killing Lavagirl.....

I started to walk but a final thought came to mind, would Max ever forgive me for leaving the person he cared deeply for..?

Looking at her I made my choice.

The adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl: A Mystery was madeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang