October 30, 2013

462 10 10

A/N: Just want to give a shout out to Girl Scouts. Before I transitioned, I was a girl scout, and I didn't like it. But, now that there's an extreme shortage of Samoas and s'mores, they're having to work harder to get those cookies out, especially in Southern California. Good luck!

Aaron had sent two agents, Spencer and Jennifer, to stand guard at your new residence. He hadn't sent Sam for his safety, and you were a bit sad at that.  You enjoyed the ride there (when you ignored the fact that Michael was on the lamb and you had two FBI agents tailing you). D/B/F/N had classic rock playing softly from the radio. Mostly, it was The Doors and Blue Oyster Cult, but there were other's, too. The scenery looked exactly like Nicolas Poussin's Spring, just make it dark out. Cooper slept between you and Jason in the backseat, and Jason was beginning to nod off, too. 

"Y/N, may I ask you something?" D/B/F/W/N asked. 


"Are you allergic to anything?" 

A/N: We're going with no on this one. 

"No, I'm not."

"Good." She reached beneath her seat and produced a Ziploc bag with chocolate chip cookies inside it. They were obviously home-made, and it made you smile. 

You thanked her and nibbled on them, trying hard to not nod off. Your attempts proved useless, though, and finished off the cookies just before falling asleep. 


You woke up on a couch with sun blaring in your face like a hungry cat at two in the morning. You were frightened, at first, not recognizing where you were. 

"You're alright, sweetheart. You fell asleep in the truck last night, and we didn't want to wake you up, so we just put you on the couch." D/B/F/W/N said, sipping a cup of coffee. "Are you hungry?" 

"Y-yeah, I guess I am. Where's D/B/F/N and Jason?" You asked. 

"Oh, they're out in the barn. I think they're milking the cows. Let's get you some breakfast, and I'll give you a tour of the place. How do eggs and bacon sound?" She suggested. 

"That's fine." 

"Great. We brought your boxes up to your room last night, if you want to get dressed. If you go all the way up to the third floor, it's the first door on the right." D/B/F/W/N smiled and turned on her heels, going out through the back door and walking over to what looked like a chicken coop. 

You made your way up the stairs, and eventually found a room with boxes. You dug through the box labeled "Y/N CLOTHING 1/2" and threw on some random outfit. Jeans, T-Shirt, and the like. 

By the time you had gotten dressed and made your way back down to the kitchen, D/B/F/W/N had plated the bacon and eggs, and was pouring a glass of apple juice. 

"Here you are." She smiled, pushing the glass towards you. "Will you be alright if I disappear for a bit? I've got some errands to run." 

"That's fine." 

"Okay. When you finish, just go out to the back and to the barn. I've asked D/B/F/N to give you a tour, so just go on out and he'll know what you need." She grabbed her purse from a hook beside the front door, smiled, and walked out. 

This lady knew exactly how to scramble eggs. Perfectly cooked, and seasoned to perfection. You almost didn't want to finish. But, all good things have to come to an end. 

You wandered out to the barn, following the sound of mooing cows. At one point, two chickens had followed behind you, trying to peck at your ankles, but they went back to their house on their own. 

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