Happy Birthday (MonSsong)

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"Kim Jimin you're a genius" Jimin said smugly ask she adjusted the earrings that she just bought. The earrings were the numbers 10 and 26 which is also Soeuns birth date. She gave herself one last look in the mirror before taking the earrings out and putting them into its box along with the other surprises she had in store for her girlfriend.

"What you got there?" Jimin almost had a heart attack trying to quickly hide the presents away.

"Soeun stop sneaking up on me like that!!!"

"Oh come on... I know you like it" Jimin wanted to wipe that smirk off her girlfriends face but she couldn't deny the fact that she does like any opportunity to see Soeun, especially now that they hardly have anytime alone now due to their comeback schedule preparations. She let Soeun sit on her lap and straddle her while playing with her new reddish pink hair. Jimin couldn't help but stare at her lover with a daze filled gaze. I can't believe I can finally call you mine.

"How was your day???" Jimin asked as she leaned back into the chair she sat on while pulling Soeun in closer by her waist to make their current position more comfortable. She hasn't been able to see Soeun since the morning because of their different schedules but it has worked in her favor since she could use the time to pick up all the gifts she ordered. "Hmm okay although I am this close to moving a bed into the practice room... my back can't nap on the floor anymore..." Jimin listen to Soeun talk about her day and she feels like she could listen to her girlfriend speaking like this forever. She started studying her face, from her eyes down to her increasingly more kissable lips. God she looks so sexy with her short hair. Jimin nuzzled up against the crook of Soeuns neck humming at the warmth and scent that greeted her.

"Hmm... you aren't even listening anymore are you???" Soeun hummed at the action smiling due to her girlfriends antics.

"I just missed cuddling with you..."

"You're such a big baby sometimes you know that"

"I'm your baby"

"Yah!!! How can you still be this cheesy this late at night!!!" Soeun playfully hit Jimins shoulder but squealed slightly as Jimin picked her up and carried her to their shared bed. Jimin placed her down and now feeling a bit more playful started peppering kisses all along Soeuns jaw while moving her body slightly on top of her to get a better angle. "Yahhh Kim Jimin!!! What if the others walk in!!! I didn't lock the door yet because I know they are probably going to walk in with a chocolate cake singing happy birthday in the next few minutes and I don't want to scar the maknaes again... remember what happened last time with Jihan???"

"What I still have a few minutes left of you for myself- wait how did you know it was a chocolate cake???"

"Do you really think Jaehee wouldn't let it slip on what the plans are for midnight... plus who do you think drove Jaehee there to fetch the cake in the first place"

Damn Lee Soojin why were you dumb enough to let Jaehee fetch it!!!

Jimin climbed off Soeun and both started to neaten themselves up a bit before Jimin spoke again "Well at least pretend to be surprised when we walk in"

"Off course... I'm actually a pretty good actress you know"

"haha funny... well I should probably go to the rest now... don't miss me too much babe" Jimin said with a cocky expression and a flying kiss to top it all off to which Soeun could only role her eyes in amusement. Jimin walked towards their door picking up her box of gifts on the way.

"What's in the box???"

"You'll see soon enough... Bon Voyage babe"

Jimin met up with the rest of the members who were getting ready to 'surprise' Soeun at midnight for her birthday. She gave a look to Jaehee who was busy helping Zoa put candles on the cake to which the younger replied with an innocently guilty smile. She then continued to put in her earrings and topped it off with ribbons, a present bow on her head, an 'I love Park Soeun' tee and a 'worlds best girlfriend' poster with a picture of a half asleep Soeun on it.

"Why are you dressed like a cheap present" Soojin questioned while deciding whether to laugh or just plain judge her lovestruck member.

"Because I am the gift duh..." okay decision made just judge...

At midnight the girls burst into the room Soeun was in with a rendition of Happy Birthday that probably woke all their neighbors up and Jimin proclaiming herself as Soeuns best gift ever to which the birthday girl could only laugh in reply. They spent the next few minutes just talking and eating one of the cakes they got (to which Soojin heavily protested against but was the first one to take a slice) and giving gifts to the birthday girl and telling her how much they loved her.

After everyone went back to their own rooms Jimin and Soeun settled down under the sheets with Jimin laying on her back with an arm around her girlfriend and Soeun tucked in with her head resting on Jimins chest.

"Here..." Jimin handed Soeun a box to which she opened and saw a gorgeous necklace with a little note that read 'I love you more than anything in the world~ will you promise to be with me for your future birthdays too <3 ...'

"It gorgeous Jimin... I love it!!!" Soeun looked up to a shyly smiling Jimin before kissing her with Jimin eagerly responded. She pulled back from the slightly, lips ghosting over each other. "and yes I promise to always be with you for our future birthdays as well..."

"I love you Park Soeun"

"I love you too Kim Jimin"

"Happy Birthday" Jimin leaned in to reconnect their lips once more and fall back into the comfort of her girlfriend once more...

I had such a bad writer's block but I'm kind of feeling inspired now so hopefully I can continue with all my works. And happy belated birthday to the amazing Park Soeun!!! keep smiling and being the amazing person you are!!! also... WE ARE FINALLY GETTING A WEEEKLY COMEBACK!!! EVERYONE STAN WEEEKLY!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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