π Chapter 1

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"Oh come on Scar, isn't he hot."

I scrunched my face when my best friend, Victoria, yet again showed me another photo of another celebrity.

I shook my head as I got up and entered the kitchen to drink some water. I could still hear her gushing over the magazine in her hand as she continued to flip through the pages.

Victoria is my best friend, in fact my only friend. My family practically abandoned me when I was eighteen. I didn't care because they always treated me like I didn't exist. They were always in favour of my elder sister. I didn't know why they always hated me. I grew up trying to please them. I aced all my classes thinking they would be proud. But it just made them more displeased saying I shouldn't be smarter than my elder sister.

My sister was envious of my beauty and brains that she always complained to my parents and guess what they did? They threatened to cut me off from the family if I didn't stop being smarter and beautiful than her.

I got fed up and told them I didn't care so they cut me off and abandoned me when I was eighteen and to top it all off, my sister got pregnant and gave birth which was a hindrance to her whore life and my parents getting rich so they dumped the baby on me saying the baby was as worthless as me.

The next day, I packed my bags and moved to New York with my newly adopted one week old son. It is where I found Victoria. She took me and my son in and after she heard my story, she stuck to me like glue and made sure I continued to live with her and we became best friends ever since.

"Scar, come look at this one", she yelled from the living room. I shook my head and entered the living room.

I pinched the skin between my eyebrows," Vickie, listen to me. None of the men are h-", I stopped what I was going to say when I saw the man on the cover of her new magazine.

Holy shit.

The man on the cover was none other than the most powerful man in the country, Rouge Steel. He was the richest man in the country, not to mention the most handsome. On the cover of the magazine, he was wearing a dark blue Armani suit and his hair fell in front of his eyes. He had a strong and firm jaw and his eyes were a dark unfathomable grey.

His grey eyes pierced through my soul as if seeing all my dark secrets. Even by just looking at his eyes on the magazine made me feel chills through my body. Just by looking at him made me want to run away. He was scary.

"Hello, earth to Scarlett Grey", Vickie snapped her fingers in front of me shaking me out of my daze.
" Are you okay?", she asked worriedly.

"He's scary", I blurted out. Vickie chuckled," That he is, my friend. I feel sorry for his employees. Working with a man who has never smiled in his life".

I widened my eyes," He's never smiled in his life?".

Vickie shook her head," No. It's like he's a living, cold statue."

That's one scary ass man.

My watch beeped signalling that it was five. I wore my sandals and tied my hair in a ponytail.

" I'm going to pick up Mason from Mrs. Jameson's house", I said grabbing my phone.

I turned to her," Get dinner started". She got up and saluted like a soldier been given a mission and marched to the kitchen.

I let out a chuckle and opened the door. Mrs. Jameson was our neighbour. She was a sweet old lady and she had been a motherly figure to both Vickie and me and a grandmotherly figure to Mason. Only she and Vicki were the only people who knew about me.

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