Chapter 17 Papa?

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The next morning, I woke up from the sunlight hitting my eyes. It was about 10 in the morning. I slept the moment I came into my room as I was exhausted.

After the five hour nap, I took a shower and got into an all black outfit. It was a plain black T-shirt along with black pants and leather jacket. I got all my weapons and headed downstairs to get some food and head out.

I entered the kitchen and saw Jeremy sitting at the counter, typing away on his phone. Well atleast I won't have to answer any questions from last night.

I grabbed a toast along with some coffee and sat down. All this while, he was staring at me without actually saying anything, and it was getting quite irritating.

I looked up towards him and snapped "What?"

He looked at me dumbfounded and shrugged "what?"

"Why are you looking at me like you asked me something when you didn't?".

He looked at me with narrowed eyes as if thinking about whether he should say it or not.

"Where did you learn how to drive that?" he asked while pointing towards the keys to my bike, genuine curiosity in his tone.

I looked towards my keys, inwardly smiling at the memory. Chris had taught me to ride a motorcycle for the first time.

We were going somewhere and I was on the backseat of the bike while he was riding it. My hands for wrapped tightly around my dad while he was speeding the vehicle at a high speed.

Next thing I know, the bike is going towards the side after being hit by a car and Chris lost control of it. I quickly managed to hold the handlebars and turn it around as I was sitting in the back and didn't get hit.

Nobody got seriously injured, and we laughed about it later. Yes our sense of humor was probably broken.

After that, Chris taught me how to ride a bike properly because I had the 'potential to ride a bike' as he said it. And I've been in love with the thing ever since.

"A friend" I shrugged towards Jeremy and he nodded then went back to whatever he was doing.

I was actually kind of shocked that this was all he had to say, and glare and say something mean and rude towards me.

Yeah, definitely weird.

After finishing the food, I drove off to the safehouse. Viola was flying back today and we had to interrogate Nathan.

I pulled up to the house and headed towards the living room where Felix and Ace were spread out and still asleep.

I sighed and walked towards my room. I grabbed my airhorn - don't even ask why I have it- and went back to the living room.

After I blew my air horn in their ears, they woke up with a start and looked around frantically.

"I swear one day somebody's gonna tear the whole building down with you guys still in it, and you're still gonna be ASLEEP." I rolled my eyes.

"Not true"
"I don't think so"
They muttered.

Felix suddenly shot up and asked "what time is it?!"

I checked my phone "11:15"

"Geez how do you have so much energy after just getting up" Ace groaned.

"Viola gets to the airport at 4. We need to go get her. Also, I'm not the only one who is energetic after sleeping at like six in the morning." Felix explained then pointes towards me for the last part.

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