Chapter Six

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Over the next couple of days things got better, and worse. Henry had recovered and knew nothing of his heroic act in the forest. But the storm had gotten worse since I had met Elsa and so a plan had been made to give Elsa a week to, hopefully, calm down, before David and I went to look for her again. It had been five days since the incident and I hadn't really been out since then, I was just making sure Henry recovered. I sighed. I was standing in my bedroom in Mary-Margret's and David's small apartment staring at my reflection in the mirror. I had been trying to go through in my head how to apologise to Hook. I had overreacted that day and Mary-Margret had persuaded my to go and talk to him. But things were quite awkward since that kiss after the time portal but nothing had happened since and I had been to busy to be running after a pirate. I shook my head, I needed to focus. I was going to see Hook to apologise not sort out whatever relationship we have. In fact, the main reason I was going to see him wasn't to apologise as I had told Mary-Margret, but to ask why Elsa recognised him that day. If something has happened in the past that is going to cause
Elsa to harm the people of Stroybrooke, I needed to know about it. I grabbed my thick winter coat and headed out the door.
As soon as I stepped outside I started shivering. The temperature had dropped so low that I couldn't stand to be outside too long so I headed straight for Granny's, hoping to find Hook. As I stepped into the diner and scanned the faces of the people inside, I noticed how few people there were in here. I walked up to the counter, "Where is everybody?" I asked Ruby.
"The weather is keeping them away," she sighed, "No one wants to leave there homes unless it is absolutely necessary. It really sucks for business." Ruby left me at the counter as she went to clean tables. This weather was really causing problems, which brought my thoughts back to the task at hand - Elsa. I sat at the counter pondering where Hook would be. Since we got back from New York, I never asked him where he lived now his ship was gone. I ordered a hot chocolate to go, and decided that the best place to start looking would be the docks, Hook seemed to be drawn to the sea.
I reached the docks and saw a tall figure standing by the waters edge. "Hook!" I called. He half turned his head towards me in acknowledgement, that's when I noticed the bottle loosely gripped in his hand. "Swan," he answered, "To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked.
"Where do you sleep?" I asked, looking around, there were no boats, just the old boathouse.
"Getting straight to the point, hey Swan," he said with a smirk, raising an eyebrow.
"That was a very quick denial, milady, I'm not sure if I believe you." He said flirtatiously as he took a gulp of rum, "What do you care where I sleep, it's not really any of your business, is it Swan?" He pointed his hook at me.
"Just tell me, you don't sleep in the boathouse do you?" Hook couldn't look me in the eye, and I couldn't believe it. "Killian!" I scolded, hitting his arm away from me playfully, he smiled sheepishly.
"So why are you here Swan?" He said trying to change the subject.
"I need to talk to you, but first, I'm getting you a proper room to sleep in." I walked back towards town dragging Hook behind me by his sleeve.
I pulled Hook into Granny's. "What are you doing Swan?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. I just shot him a glare before turning to the counter and speaking to Granny. "Could I get a room please?"
"Of course dear, how long for?"
"A week," I replied, "But it might need to be extended, you know how circumstances change." Granny smiled and handed me a key. "Just at the top of the stairs." She smiled, pointing me towards a door at the back of the diner that it had never noticed before. "Thank you." I told Granny, and pulled Hook through the door and to room number 12.
"Right," I said once I'd pushed Hook inside, "Why did Elsa recognise you the other day, what did you do to her?"
"Why do you think of me in such a negative way, maybe she was just blinded by my dashing good looks." He answered with a flirtatious smirk.
"Look, if I'm not gonna get an honest answer from you then I'm leaving." I said and headed towards the door.
"Wait Swan," Hook yelled, panicked that I was actually going to leave, I hid my smile at his reaction from him as he spoke again. "I don't know why she recognised me in such a way, I have no recollection of ever meeting someone with ice powers."
"Great," I said sarcastically, and sat down, defeatedly, "So the only lead we had wasn't really a lead at all."
"I'm sorry I could be more help, love." Hook tried to soothe me and he rested a hand on my shoulder. Just his casual touch made my heart jump. No, I thought. I got up so I wouldn't make a fool of myself. "Well, I better be going."
"Swan." Hook said, catching my wrist before I reached the door. He slid his hand down to hold mine and pulled me round to look at him. "What's wrong, Emma?" I looked up, shocked that he had used my name. His sea-blue eyes were soft and his voice tender. "Nothing," I said innocently, with a fake smile. "I'm sorry about the other day, I over-reacted a bit." Hook smiled "A bit?" He said incredulously, "You all but bit my head off." He said with a smile. "But it's not that," he said tugging on my arm insistently, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I said with as much sincerity as I could.
"I know you too well for that Swan, something's wrong." He put his hook under my chin and pulled my face up so I looked into his eyes. "Something is definitely wrong, I can see it in your eyes." Is voice was so soft now it was just a whisper, and the intensity of his stare caused me to look away, breaking the moment. Hook seemed to snap in front of me and dropped my hand, all the light gone from his eyes.
"No, Hook." I said softly, reaching for his hand again. I couldn't deal with the sadness in his eyes, my body pulled at me to comfort him. "There is just too much going on, I can't deal with and 'us' as well." I said gesturing between us.
"The town can cope for a few moments without you Emma Swan." Hook said, taking a step closer to me so we were inches apart. Electricity seemed to fill the room as our lips came closer together and then...
Knock, knock, knock.
"Emma, you're needed!"
I snapped out of the moment with our lips just millimetres apart, I sighed and rested my head on Hook's shoulder for a moment. "Apparently, it can't." I mumbled into his jacket. I pulled away towards the door but Hook grabbed my hand again and kissed it gently. I smiled at him, before turning round and swinging the door open. Standing there was Leroy, "Your father needs you, princess."

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