Chapter Three

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Ring. Ring. Ring
"Gold!" Me and David stood just inside the door waiting for Mr Gold to appear.
"Rumplestiltskin!" David called
"Hello deary," Gold walked out from the back room of his little shop, addressing me as if David wasn't there, "To what do I own this pleasure?" He asked with a mock bow.
"You know exactly why we're here, Gold, don't waste time."
"I'm sure I have no idea what you mean-"
"Who did this?" David interrupted.
"Why it's nothing to worry about, she doesn't even know her own power." Gold smiled, and waved a hand like the sub-zero temperatures weren't a problem.
"Regina said that as well, so you both know her. Where can we find her?" I slammed my hand down on the wooden counter in the shop. "It needs to be stopped."
"Well deary," Gold said, walking out from behind the counter."This weather comes from her - more specifically her magic," he said with a twirl of his hands. "If you follow the magic, or in this case the cold, you will, eventually, find the girl."
"The ice!" I exclaimed. I turned on my heel and walked out of the shop letting the door slam behind me. David stood there scrutinising Gold. "Why did you just tell us, without asking for something in return?"
"Because what you're about to go and do is all the payment I need." He smiled and walked back into the other room. David turned to go and as he reached the door, Gold called from the other room, "Be careful Charming, all magic comes with a price, and magic that cannot be controlled, is deadly."
David caught up with me as I was walking back towards the apartment, to where we saw the ice earlier today. "It's a straight line and we have no way of telling which way it points." I say as we reach the same spot we were in this morning.
"Then we split up, you head north and I'll head south, the town isn't very big so it won't take long to find the person who did this. Call me if you find anything. And be careful, Gold just... Well, just be careful." David started to walk away and I marched off in the opposite direction, parallel to the strip of ice that was still frozen in the middle of the street.
It turned out the trail didn't lead straight through town but curved off into the woods. As I walked through the tall trees I called Belle. "Hi, I need your help. do you know anyone who can cause this kind of weather. I need to know what we are dealing with."
"Right, of course," Belle answered, "I'll go through some records from the Enchanted Forest. I'll call you if I find anything."
"Thanks." I hung up and shoved the phone back into my back pocket. I took another step and heard a crunch. I'd stepped on to ice. The ground was completely covered in ice for as far as I could see in the densely packed forest. I stopped walking and got out my phone again to call David, when I heard footsteps behind me. They were soft enough that I would not have been able to hear them when I was walking. Someone had been following me this whole time. I gripped the handle of my gun and pulled it out of its holster to shoulder height as I spun around to face my follower.
"Woah there, Swan." It was Hook, hands up in surrender, half concealed by a tree, "I've heard those things are dangerous." He said with a lopsided smirk.
"What are you doing here?" I was annoyed, did he think that I couldn't do this alone? I was still pointing the gun at him. He looked down, probably upset due to my reaction, but he didn't need to be here.
"Hey Swan, why don't we put the gun down, hey?" His hands were out, a sign of peace. I lowered the gun but didn't put it back in it's holster. "Why are you here?" I said, the anger I felt inside showing through my voice.
"Look, the kid said-" he gestured behind him.
"You brought Henry?!" I could see his head just sticking out from behind a tree, he walked out, hanging his head in shame when he knew he had been spotted. "I can't believe you Hook! Why would you bring a kid here?!"
"Mom, it's not his-"
"I don't care if you said you wanted to come, Hook should have put his foot down." I looked Hook straight in the eye for a second and could see that he was sorry and so I kept walking. "Well you're hear now, just be careful."

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