🌸My Gift🌸

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" Abela?" I asked. " yes Isa?"  She responded. " I'm actually, nervous."I said shaky.  " oh, don't be scared Isabella perfecta Madrigal" she comfortably said.
"Why's my middle name that anyway Abela?" I asked. " well Isa, you are the first granddaughter. You are perfect."
She Awnsered nicely. I grined and felt more confident.

Then casita threw the clock across the floor to warn us it was time. I felt so young. 5 years old! I felt so nervous I trembled. But what Abela told me felt more Powerful. I got in my white outfitted dress that had ruffles over ruffles. I walked my way down the stairs and looked around. There where a small amount of flowers. Just about all the bouquets in the town now on casita's walls and by my new door. I had to pretend I was a princess walking to get her crown. So I walked to the stairwell and went up. Abela gave her speech as I spaced off facing the crowed.


"Isa.." "Isa." " Isa!" Abela whisper shouted. "Oh" I trembled over the words.
She had me touch the candle
" our miracle " then, let me touch the door handle. I turned it slowly and nervously then it opened.
Then, my door handle exploded into flowers! And it covered the door to!
I stepped inside the door it was coated it the most beautiful flowers ever!! Then I randomly put my hand up and a vine came down and swooped me up as I glided across the room. "WOW" some little kid in a white shirt commented. He seemed to be staring at me and admiring me. Who was he? A big dumb hunk? Yeah, probably. He didn't stop staring at the vines and roses I've mad or even me. Everyone was dancing, besides him of course. I also think I got more shapie and pretty. So I decided to swing by and say hi or say " GET OUT YOU CREEPY FREAK"
" hello" he said " hi" I told him. " I just saw that you where". " starring?" He finished
" yeahhhhhhhhhh.." I said confused
" sorry, your just so, PRETTY" he said
" wo-ow thanks." I thanked him. He blushed " what's your name?" He asked
" oh eh Isabella" I told him " I'm Mariano."
He told me. " ok well imma go dance" I said " sure"

Isabella MadigalWhere stories live. Discover now