Part 1

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Ten years ago

Ginny Flemming was sitting at her desk, her pencil tapping against the pages of her notebook, as she paid attention to class.

"Okay, before the last day of your high school careers, I have one last assignment for you all to complete." The teacher, Mrs. Gordon, announced. Groans echoed through the classroom as people weren't expecting another homework to do the night before school ended. However, Ginny was eager to hear what it was; she was always a bright student. "I want you to open your notebooks to a clear page, and I want you to write a letter to your future self. Think about your current goals for yourself and channel that into your writing. Once you are done, rip out the page and hand it to me. In 10 years, I'll mail the letters out to you so you can look back at your past self."

Ginny immediately started writing as soon as her teacher finished talking. Whatever she thought of, she wrote in that letter. She talked about how high school was the best, her current crushes, her best friends, her brother, everything. But the most important thing that Ginny wrote about was her passion for acting, specifically in movies. She loved performing on the stage, but once she got into watching movies with her family, it became her newest obsession.

At the bottom of her page, Ginny wrote in big letters:


She added a heart underneath those words and ripped out the pieces of paper, folding them in half before handing them to the teacher as the bell rang.

"Done already, Miss Flemming?" Her teacher asked.

"Yes I am!" Ginny replied excitedly. "I can't wait to get my letter in ten years, I wonder what I'll be then. Anyways thanks for being the best teacher I've ever had, Mrs. Gordon."

"Why thank you Ginny. That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. I hope you get everything you've ever wanted."

"I hope so too. Bye, Mrs. Gordon!" Ginny waved to her teacher one last time before walking out of the classroom and through the halls of her high school for the very last time.

Near their lockers, Sienna and Molly watched as Ginny practically skipped down the hallway with excitement. They laughed to each other at her and how she could be so happy about school and her dreams of being an actress. They knew she wouldn't be able to take all the pressure, and when they were all older, they had a plan to ruin those dreams for her. 

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