I've Missed You

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Derek was trying not to worry but at this point it was the only thing he could do. But ever since Meredith had went for dinner at Susan's house, he had hardly seen her. Every time he asked her to come over she always had excuse. Every single time.

"No Meredith again tonight?" Emily asked as she found Derek sitting at the table, alone, sipping at his beer.

"No." Derek continued to stare ahead, a blank expression on his face.

"Oh. Right." Emily continued to walk to the fridge where she grabbed a bottle of water. "Is she working?"

"Who knows, I stopped asking." Derek shrugged as he downed the rest of his beer before moving to throw the empty bottle in the bin. "I'm going to bed."

"Goodnight." Emily sighed as she watched her dads exhausted body slowly move out of the room before moving up the stairs.

Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she decided to try her luck as she dialled Meredith's number and held the phone up to her ear.


"Meredith." Emily sighed with relief when she finally heard her voice coming down the phone. "Where have you been?"

"Em, works been crazy busy lately. Plus I've got a lot going on, I'll try to be there tomorrow." Even over the phone she could hear how exhausted Meredith really was.

"You said that the other day. But we haven't seen you in nearly two week now." She tried not to snap but it wasn't just Derek that was missing Meredith, Emily was also desperate to see her. "Look dad is miserable and drinking more, he thinks it's something he has done."

"Oh. I'm sorry Em." Meredith sighed. "Look, I finish in 5 minutes so I will make my way over to your house, ok?"

"Ok." Emily smiled. "But dad is in bed so, but please come over still."

"Alright, I'll be there shortly. Bye Em, love you."

"Love you too Mer." Emily smiled as she ended the call and placed her phone back in her pocket, happy that they were slowly making progress.

"Dad!" Emily shouted up the stairs. "Mer is coming over so kept up and have a shower! I doubt the first time she wants to see you is when you're looking and smelling like your homeless!" Emily moved back to the kitchen and decided to give a quick clean.

From downstairs she could hear the sound of the bathroom door opening and closing before finally the sound of the shower starting. If anything she owed her to her dad to help him get his happiness back after everything he had sacrificed for her.

She wasn't sure how much time had passed when she finally heard the front door open and then close. Moving round she looked down the hall and finally came face to face with Meredith.

"Mer." Emily cheered as she all put tan and wrapped her arms tight around her. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." Meredith admitted as she dropped her own bag and wrapped her arms around Emily. "I'm sorry for being a shitty person."

"It's ok, we all have our bad days. I'm just glad you're here now." Emily closed her eyes and appreciated being wrapped in Meredith's arms.

"I'm not going anywhere. I've just got a lot to sort out recently and I need to talk to your dad first." Meredith sighed as she looked up when she heard Derek walking down the stairs. "Hey."

"Hey." Derek replied softly.

Emily watched as the two of them looked between one another, not a single word was spoke but a millions words were communicated.

"I'll leave you two alone." Emily said as she reluctantly pulled out of Meredith's arms and headed for the stairs. "Just listen to what she has to say." Emily whispered to Derek as she moved past him.

"Can we talk?" Meredith asked shyly.

"Yeah, shall we go into the kitchen?" Derek watched as Meredith nodded her head before he followed closely behind her.

They moved into the kitchen and uncomfortable silence quickly overwhelmed them. Neither of them knowing what to say or do.

"This...is well..." Meredith started off.

"Awkward." Derek finished off for her as they both started to laugh. "Come here." Derek sat down and then tapped his lap and waited for Meredith to come and sit with him.

Without hesitation Meredith walked across the room and settled in his lap, her arms looping around his neck as his moved to rub along her back.

"I've missed you." Derek whispered as he moved to press his lips to her neck.

"I missed you too." She moved to press her lips softly to his. "So much." She said against his lips.

"Where have you been? Did I do something wrong?" He finally asked.

"It wasn't nothing to do with you." She shook her head. "Well, it does but nothing bad, well I really hope you don't think it's a bad thing..." she bit her lower lip nervously.

"Mer, you can talk to me." He ran his fingers through her hair.

"I'm pregnant." She spat out, watching as Derek took it in. "With your baby. We are having a baby, which is a big and scary thing. It means things are going to change, not just for us but for Emily and..."

Meredith was silenced by Derek pressing his lips to hers harshly as he stood up and her legs wrapped around his waist.

"A baby. We are having a baby." He asked with tears in her eyes as Meredith nodded her head as he slowly lowered her back to the floor.

"Yeah, I know it's life changing and big but Derek, I don't know how to be a mother but you're like an amazing father, Emily is example..." Meredith started to ramble, her hands waving around in the air.

"Mer, the way you've adapted to having Emily in your life is incredible, you're going to be an amazing mother." He moved back and placed his hands on top of her still flat abdomen.

"I can't believe it, even still. A baby."

"You're having a baby!" They turned when they heard Emily exclaimed excitedly behind them, a huge smile on her face.

"We are." Derek moved to stand next to Meredith, her arm going around her lower back. "You're going to have a little brother or sister."

"That's the best news ever!" She cheered as she ran towards him and wrapped her arms around the two of them.

Meredith had to admit she was nervous about telling Emily after the way she had reacted with Addison but this was different. It was faster then either of them had planned but they wouldn't change a thing, this was how it was meant to be.

Whilst they held Emily in their arms, Derek and Meredith glanced at one another with a smile on their face and their eyes sparkling. They leaned in and softly pressed their lips together.

This was just the beginning for them.

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