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Emily knew she was going to be in trouble. She was skipping school and if Derek was to find out she was certain she would be grounded for the rest of the month. But she desperately needed to speak to Meredith, she here she was, walking around the hospital in at attempt to find her.

"Excuse me." Emily said politely as she stood next to the nurses station as the person she was talking to her turned to face her. "Can you tell me where I can find Meredith Grey?"

"Oh yeah, I can page her." The man smiled at her before pulling out his pager. "Does she know you're coming?"

"No, she's doesn't." Emily said as she looked round nervously, like she was expecting Derek to turn up at any point.

"Alright." He looked at her before looking back down at his pager. "She should be here shortly."

"Ok, thank you." Emily started chewing nervously on her finger nails as she waited for Meredith to arrive.

"Alex I was on my break, what do you want?" Meredith's voice rang through out the corridor as she approached the two of them.

"Not me." Alex held his hands up as he pointed towards Emily.

"Em, what are you doing here? Why aren't you at school?" Meredith asked as she placed her hand on Emily's arm before moving it to cup her face.

"I...I needed to talk to someone and I didn't know who else to talk to..." Emily said as she looked up to Meredith with a sad sparkle in her eyes.

"Oh." Meredith nodded in understanding before turning to Alex. "Hey, I'm just going to go to my office, tell everyone to only page me if it's absolutely necessary." Meredith smiled at Alex, as he nodded her before she wrapped her arm around Emily and guided her towards her office.

Once they reached her office, she guided her inside and shut the door so they could have some privacy. Meredith turned and looked at how shy she was acting as her arms wrapped around her stomach tight.

"Em, you know you can talk to me?" Meredith said in a soft voice, before sitting next to her on the sofa.

"It's nothing bad but I don't really want to talk to me dad about this, it's embarrassing." Emily pulled her sleeves over her hands and buried them in her lap.

"Whatever it is Em, just take you're time." Meredith said as she rubbed her back lovingly.

"I started my period today." She mumbled. "I ended up having to wear these shitty joggers out of the lost property." She said pointed at her trousers.

"Oh." Meredith sighed in relief, grateful that it wasn't anything too serious. "It's just one of them things that happens Em."

"I know but I have no idea what to use." She admitted showing her vulnerability side to her. "Plus, I didn't want to make dad uncomfortable by having this conversation with him..." they both giggled slightly as they tried imagining Derek attempting to have this conversation with her.

"Yeah, your dad isn't the best with stuff like that, I mean he tries but yeah." Meredith laughed and shook her head.

"Hmm." Emily sighed. "I just thought you was the best person to come and talk to, I trust you..."

"I'm glad you came to me." Meredith placed her hand on Emily's cheek and smiled at her. "Now come on, let's get you sorted out."

Later that evening, Emily walked through the door to find Derek pacing before he turned to face her.

"Where have you been!" He shouted. "I've been worried sick, why are you skipping school?"

"Dad, I promise I can explain..." Emily said as she dropped her bag down. "I went to see Meredith."

"What?" Derek frowned as he watched Meredith walk through the door. "So you was skipping school to have a girly day and go shopping I presume?" He tilted his head towards the large plastic bag Emily had placed down.

"Hey Em, why don't you go upstairs so I can speak to your dad." Meredith placed her hand on Emily's back and watched as she nodded her head before grabbing her stuff and jogging up the stairs.

"Meredith, I love that you and Emily are getting closer and bonding but you can't be pulling her out of school..." Derek said as he walked closer to her.

"I didn't pull her out of school." Meredith laughed before placing her hands on his chest. "She needed some womanly advice and I gave it to her..."

Meredith watched as Derek looked at her cluelessly, a frown on his face as his arms loosely wrapped around her waist.

"Oh you are so clueless." Meredith laughed before leaning brush to press her lips to his quickly. "It appears that your daughter is now becoming a woman..."

Derek continued to frown before a bit as Meredith raised her eyebrows and a realisation finally washed over his face.

"Yeah." Meredith laughed. "It's also not the kind of conversation that she wanted to be having with you as you know you're a man."

Meredith lightly brushed her fingers over his side and watched as he squirmed slightly in his arms before moving to wrap his arms tightly around her.

"Thank you." Derek kissed Meredith quickly before moving to cup her face in his hands. "Thank you for being there for her, I don't think you realise how much she appreciates it, how much I appreciate it and you. You've been the biggest blessing to ever walk into our lives, you are the mother figure that she has craved for so long..."

Meredith smiled at him as some tears slowly fell down her face, her heart swelling out of pure joy and love for them both. His thumb reached up and brushed across his cheeks as he dried her tears.

"Der, you're making me cry here." She giggled softly. "Look, just don't shout at her ok?" Meredith said as she moved to wrap her arms around his neck. "She didn't want to skip school but she had to."

"Oh I'm not bothered about that now." He shrugged. "I was just worried earlier because I had no idea where she was but now I know she was with you, everything is fine."

They smiled at each other and pushed their lips together, their lips dancing against one another's in a passionate movement before they finally pulled apart, catching their breathes as their foreheads rested against one another's.

"You hungry?" Derek asked.

"Starving." Meredith smirked at him before biting her lower lip.

"Soon." He whispered before leaning down kiss her neck. "But for now, let's get some food."

So that's exactly how they spent their night, with Emily joining them shortly after they had moved into the kitchen. Derek took control of making the dinner as Meredith and Emily flipped through their phones together, showing one another things constantly before they giggled to themselves.

Derek couldn't help but stare at the two of them, his heart swelling with pure love. He knew right then and there that he would one day ask Meredith Grey to be his wife...

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