1 || The Outcast

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This chapter contains heavy profanities and violence.


Rain heavily pour down creating a puddle. The red cross sign illuminates down to the wet floor of the rooftop. A footstep approaches the boy, clearly screaming 'danger' to his presence.

"Give me your hand. Did you cut it? You try to kill yourself, huh? I heard you named me in your suicide note. You said you can't go on because of me." Son Myeong-hwan, a known leader of those who take pleasure in hurting someone, aggressively asked.

"I'm sorry" Jin-su shakingly said, looking over the shoulder of Myeong-hwan. A black-haired girl stared back to him. His childhood friend, who's always there no matter what, now look where that took her. Two goons were holding her down as she struggles to get away from their grip and towards Jin-su. Ara Kangjeon, his childhood friend, a rabbit just like him in the lion's den.

Myeong-hwan look over his shoulder noticing that Jin-su was looking behind him and he scoffs when he saw what his looking at. He nods over Yoon Gwi-nam; another bully in a mullet cut, and just like a secret communication, he walks towards Ara pulling her hair as she struggles at his grip. The sound of flesh being smacked echoed to the silence of the night.

Jin-su ball his fist into a tight grip, taking a deep breath preparing to lash out. His thought was interrupted by Myeong-hwan laughing.

"What a disrespectful loser, look at you two. You m*therf*cker. If you both transfers afterwards, how do that make me look? Have I ever f*cking hit you, huh?" Myeong-hwan seethed.

"No, never." Jin-su silently answered. Then Myeong-hwan looked at Ara,

"No, right? That's right. Only her, right? Because she's a loner who doesn't have anyone to tell about this. He's all yours."

Gwi-nam sighs, walking over to Jinsu. He put his shoulder around him and slapped him hard at his head making him stumble. Groans and pants can be heard as this assault unfolds.

"You *ssho*l*! You *ssh*l*! Hit me back asshole!" Each sentence ends with a blow.

"Yah!" Ara struggle more on the tight grip of her captors. Gwi-nam look at her in his peripheral vision and smirked. "No wait." Gwi-nam laughs at his attempt on stopping him.

"Please stop." Strong kick was thrown to him and he fell down on a file of trash.

"Hey" Hit.


"Hey!" Hit.

"Just f*ck*ng stop!" Gwi-nam took a metal pipe from the floor and shouted. "You psycho!"

Grunts can be heard from the two of them, one from pain and one from the force in hitting someone. From Ara's perspective, all she can see is the back of Gwi-nam and the metal pipe striking her best friend. She struggles more and get to loosen the tight grips on her arms. It's her chance, she kicked the boy in his left and face the other one on her right, punching him.
One of the boys quickly grab the metal pipe that Gwi-nam throws and the beating begin.

"Hey you splash, me!" Hyeon-ju whined on the side. "Sh*t!" Then the hitting began, again. 'Are you out from your f*ck*ing mind, man?" Gwi-nam continues his hitting on Jinsu more aggressively. Throwing profanities, here and there. A shout from Myeong-hwan stop all of the commotion.

"Alright, Knock it off. Let's go, come on, where out of here." Jin-su then started to groan, an inhuman growl can be heard from him. His bones cracking and going in an impossible position. Jinsu attacked Gwi-nam, taking him by surprised. "You f*ck*r! Get him off!"

"Cut it out already!" Hyeon-ju shouted.

Ara saw it all, glass breaking and how her only friend change. Horror etched to her face as time slow down for her. She limply run to the ledge in attempt on saving her friend but it was all too late. She felt numb all over, like a cold but a hot water was thrown over her. Two people are talking behind her but she felt like she's under the water. She felt the presence of the group leaving, it's only her now. She lay down on the cold concrete of the rooftop, gasping and choking on pain, too exhausted to do anything. That's when it hit her... 'Humanity is a mistake.'

The Outcast | 지금 우리 학교는 All Of Us Are DeadWhere stories live. Discover now