Chapter VIII

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"We knew it was only a matter of time before this curse showed its ugly head again, and I will not have her malediction tainting this household any longer."

"It's just a coincidence; we don't know if she's truly at fault."

"I am no longer accepting your excuses for her, Anyma. I should have put an end to this when she was born. I don't know why I believed there was any sense in your assurances."

"She was a newborn— an innocent baby!"

"There is nothing innocent about a child when death followers her wherever she goes. It ends now. She is an adult and will be accountable for her actions. She will no longer be a member of this house or this territory. At sunrise, the authorities will take her away and it will be up to the magistrates to determine her fate. The blood is on her hands and I wash mine of her."

Malisa sat, still and silent, with her head in her hands as her parents debated her fate like she wasn't there. She was not allowed a shower this time— she was brought directly to her father's study and dropped in the chair in front of his desk.

She didn't look up at the sound of boots or when stopped just entering into her line of vision.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" her father asked with a tone as cold as ice.

What did she have to say for herself?

The two closest people to her were dead— no, not just dead.

Murdered. In cold blood.

And she found them. Both of them.

And now she was being blamed for it... and maybe it was her fault? This malediction her father was already discussing— there was more to it than just his extreme distaste towards her. He said he believed it was the cause of these misfortunes. And that these things had a history of happening before.

A curse, he had said... was that what she was? Merely a curse? A curse to those who actually cared for her?

"There must be something else we can do," her mother offered, her voice coming from somewhere behind Malisa.

"There is no we, not anymore. As far as I am concerned, you are as guilty for what has transpired as she is. Once the authorities have made their decision as to what to do with her, your judgment will be next."

"Judgment?" her mother snapped. "You have no proof—"

"Proof is not needed before the eyes of the gods. You, Anyma, should know that better than anyone else."

Whatever her father meant, it was enough for her mother to remain silent as his rage and attention returned to the quiet Malisa.

"You will return to your quarters until you are summoned," he snarled. "And do not think you can escape from the balcony again— I'm having the window sealed as we speak. Enjoy the freedom while you have it."

There was no sincerity in his tone— nothing but disgust, as her mother grabbed her arm and helped her stand. Not a word was said as she was led away from the study, but the weight of her father's command was heavy on her shoulders. The slam of the door behind them solidified his point like hammering the nails deeper into her coffin.

He was right, she realized as they walked through the empty halls with tears in her eyes. She had nothing to contribute to the manor other than bloodshed and disgrace. No one would want to marry her now that she tainted her name. Death followed her. She was cursed, damned to be alone for the remainder of her pathetic existence— what better way to spend it than wasting away in a cell for the remainder of her days?

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