Chapter II

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Eighteen Years Later

Malisa pushed the potatoes on her plate back and forth with a bored fork. The ticking second-hand on the clock on the mantle above the fireplace echoed through her head and throughout the silent dining room. It was the one meal they were required to share, and generally, if her father had anything to say to her, it would be at that time.

But her father, Lord Boreas, sat at the end of the long table, while her mother, Lady Anyma, sat across from her, eyes on her plate like the obedient wife Malisa hated her for. Not once did she challenge her father when he made demands they knew would only poorly. Never did her mother defend her when the criticisms about her lack of attendance at court were equal to her worth under his roof. If anything was ever said out of earshot, Malisa knew no better.

That it was her birthday mattered not. She doubted either of them remembered anyway.

Daring a glance at the ticking timepiece, she quickly did the math in her head. She promised Ander she'd meet him in the stables that evening, and she now had forty-five minutes to finish dinner and meet him there. Undetected.

"Do you have somewhere else to be?"

Her father's booming tone startled her, causing her to drop the idle fork onto her plate. She made eye contact with her mother, who pursed her lips as if to silently instruct her daughter to not say a word.

But Malisa was never one to keep her mouth shut, especially when she knew it would benefit her to do so.

"Only to my room to study," she lied. "Demetra is coming in the morning and I want to ensure I am prepared for her lessons."

"From what I understand, you're nothing but behind in being prepared." Her father didn't look at her as he spoke, instead paid more attention to cutting the beef on his plate. "Demetra constantly informs me how much extra tutelage you require, even going so far as to request additional hours each day at her personal library to ensure you're receiving the proper education someone of your social stature should require."

Worrying at the inside of her cheek, Malisa dropped her attention to the potatoes on her plate. Seeking studies at Demetra's residence had been Malisa's idea. Demi was the closest she had to a friend, and one of the only people she was allowed to spend any time with other than her family. A change of scenery away from her parents' manor shouldn't have been too much to ask, especially not that she was of age, but it seemed the older she grew, the more restrictive her freedoms.

Which was why neither of them knew about her relationship with Ander. Or her plans to meet him in the stables.

Another glance at the clock and she had thirty minutes to spare.

"May I be excused?" she asked softly.

"No." Her father put down his silverware and turned his attention to her for the first time the entire meal. "Now that you are of age you will begin to present yourself as such."

So he did know.

"Suitors will begin to inquire about your availability and I won't force them to wait because you're off studying."

"So you're canceling my lessons?"

"I'm sure your husband will be able to maintain your education in the years to come."

"What husband?"

"Whichever one I choose."

"Boreas..." Her mother spoke for the first time all dinner.

"Enough, Anyma," her father cut in. "The only reason she hadn't been sent away yet was due to your foolish motherly heart. Someone with her... malediction... would have been sent to the temple years ago."

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