chapter thirty two

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"You can take my dignity, but you can never take my lankiness."


picture: practically emily on crutches


thanks for the mass votes and comments last chapter, love you long time ladies and gentlemen xoxo


It was only two days later that I found myself leaving the hospital with Emily by my side, sitting in a wheelchair with her left leg plastered. The bruises and cuts started to heal, but where still there - the scars being a permanent reminder of what really happened.

Things had started to look up for Emily. She was going to live with me for the next few weeks while lawyers figured out where she would live, as her mother is in jail and her father is long gone. Emily had told me that she might be living with her Aunt - after the weeks she will be staying with me - who lives only half an hour away, so she can still attend Octavia High.

I'm just grateful that she isn't going to do the whole 'disappearing act' like some kids do when their parents are not in custody of them.

"You know, I always thought wheelchairs were so cool," Emily comments as I push her out of the hospital, waiting for Tyler to drive his car around to pick us up. But they aren't. They suck, Nova. I feel like I have no freedom."

I hold back a laugh, "Two minutes and you're already feeling like this?" Emily is stuck with crutches until her cast comes off, even then she will have to wait until her leg is strong enough to walk on. The doctors said the cast would be on for the next three to four weeks, which is fair enough for a fractured ankle. "And I thought Nate was the sook in our group of friends."

"Ha," she replies dryly, "When you're in as much pain as I am, remind me to kick you where it hurts most and then see how you feel."

"Touché." Poor Emily is not in good condition at the moment, and by the looks of her 'pill bag' she is going to be up in the clouds. I'm pretty sure Austin is going to ask her to slip a painkiller in his mashed potato. "Where is he?" I growl. Tyler was supposed to be here waiting for me, yet his car isn't even in sight.

"I don't know," Emily shrugs, "He's your pain in the ass boyfriend."

"Hey, he bought you KFC, I'd watch your words if I were you," I resist the temptation to click my fingers with all the sass I have in me, but shove my hand in my hoodie's pocket to stop me from doing so. Actually, its Tyler's hoodie. I stole it the other night when I was over helping him study for our Chemistry exam since he tripped and spilled freezing cold water over my sweater.

He's that clumsy he'd probably trip on the way up to get his certificate of graduation and wonder why where that extra step came from.

"Oh I'm so sorry," Emily gushes sarcastically, rolling her eyes, "For the love of KFC, please forgive me for I have sinned. I'm joking, that boy is so crazy with you he forgets practically everything anyone tells him when you're around."

I think back to last week, holding back a bark of laughter. Tyler had absentmindedly agreed to a competition of 'Who Can Eat The Most Shit In One Minute' because he was consumed with ogling at me eating my sandwich like a normal person would.

"Well hey, I'm pretty irresistible," Emily looks at me with disbelief. "Oh, shut up. Let me dream for once."

I hear the sound of a cars engine revving nearby, turning my head to see Tyler driving towards us. I put my hand on my hip, turning on my whole 'bitch please' mode.

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