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Marvel Universe

With nothing more than a stray thought Loki threw open the doors to his home. The moment he walked in his jeans and T-shirt shifted into the Ancient clothes of the gods.

“Cael !” He called as he entered his throne room. His friend and servant appeared instantly. Barely three inches shorter the Loki, Cael was once an ancient Viking warrior and one of the only people he considered his friend. His blonde hair tousled, Cael was still buttoning his shirt when he flashed in.

“What’s wrong Loki?” he asked immediately “you never shout like that, did Taer eat someone she wasn’t supposed to?”

Loki ran his hand across the icesickle tattoo on his shoulder that was Taer in her dormant form. She was a frost Demon and his personal body guard. More than that though, Tar was Loki’s daughter and he would do anything to protect her.

“Not this time” Loki mused “ it was you I came to warn”

“warn of what?”

“Not really knowing where to start, Loki just went ahead and told him what he had seen in the flow of time. “Yahweh has declared war on the all earth's and their Gods.”

Cael abruptly froze for a full minute, Then blinked, "you mean the one that more than half the Multiverse worships, making him infinitely stronger than most other Gods? That Fucker?”

“That’s the one.”

“Well” Cael signed, “We’re Fucked aren’t we?
  Nodding his head, Loki answered “He has one Hell of a grudge against myself and Thor, along with many of our allies.

    Cael chuckled nervously, “this is what I get for being friends with a Norse God. So what’s the plan?”

“Ally ourselves with as many beings as possible, regardless of past enmity and hope it’s enough.

“Ahhh so where do we start ?”

“With me”

     Instantly ready for a fight, they turned to see someone standing in the doorway. Tall and Lethal he had shoulder length black hair and eyes so full of power they glowed.

    Inhaling sharply Loki demanded, “who the hell are you?”

“I’m the Son of The Creator, who has ties to the Roman, Greek, Judeo-Christian and Egyptian Pantheons. I was healed by the Morningstar after being tortured by Yahweh himself. I was trained by the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar for over two thousand celestial years.”

“That still doesn’t answer our question...” Loki retorted, “what is your name?’’ “I am Jesus, the Messiah.”
“What then,” Cael began, “do you need us to do?”

“Absolutely nothing” Said Jesus, while looking at non-existent watch. “Except wait here, in about thirty seconds someone you have waited eleven-thousand years to see will be here”.

“Wait wha-!, and he’s gone...”

“ Um Loki...” Cael called sounding shocked, “ you might want to look behind you...” Turning around Loki started to curse before he registered that he was seeing something everyone said was impossible...

“Fenrir” he breathed “ but... how?


Mount. Olympus:
YEAR: 2059AD

Hestia paused at the doors to the throne room as she heard a deep, familiar voice. Curious she stepped into the room and froze, not expecting what she saw. Her jaw went slack as she took in the ridiculous height of the man, Just shy of seven feet he had shoulder length black hair framing a face that appeared to have flawlessly cut from granite. He held an aura so dark and powerful that even as a major Goddess it made her hair stand on end. Out of all the Gods present he definitely put the others to shame, and that is no mean feat,

Pinning her with a look that left her completely paralyzed, he strode forward with the most predatory walk she'd ever seen, something not easy to do when you consider the fact that he was physically very pretty and surprisingly young looking. Probably no more than thirty-two or thirty-three he was absolutely beautiful, almost angelic. Except for that aura of authority that bled from every cell he possessed.This was a man who was bred for war. She couldn’t tear her gaze away from his eyes, they literally swirled with power from Creation's depths. And they were filled with the promise of death. Clothed completely in Black he had his hands tucked into the pockets of a long leather coat.

Hestia swept her gaze over the other Gods present. “Can you give us the room please?”

One by One, the Gods flashed out. Hestia didn’t speak until she was alone with him and she was sure none of the other Gods were listening.

“Where have you been Jesus?”

“I was tortured”

By whom?


Hestia couldn’t help the sigh that escaped her. “And why would he do that?”

A truly chilling smile curled his lips at that. “I am The Destroyer after all. It’s what I was created to do.

The way he said that sent shivers down her spine, and in that instant she saw Jesus' true form. His skin would be Celestial Bronze with Olympian Silver runes inscribed. Eyes glowing with sea-green flames and covered with Imperial Gold armor, he was a winged keeper. One of the highest level, he was absolute inevitability in its rawest form.

Hestia assumed a power-stance that said: Boy, don’t make me kick your ass off Olympus. Because I will and no you won’t enjoy it you kinky little shit.

”Hestia seemed stunned by those words.

"What?, Surprised?” His tone was dripping with sarcasm.”

“Cut the shit Jesus, I know what you want and why you want it. And no you can’t have it"

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